Independent experts nominated by country party

Lung Nguyen Ngoc

First name
Last name
Nguyen Ngoc
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Environmental Management
UN languages spoken



Job function
Director Genaral
Telephone number
+844 3755 6250/ 84913213009
Work experience
2009-2011-Team leader of Project to support VINAPACO (Paper and Pulp Corporation) in Forest Certification process_x000D_
2008-2009 -Team leader of FAO project on Establishment of group Forest certification for household’s private planting forest (SLIMF) in YenBinh District. Code PR No.37780._x000D_
2006-2007- Team Leader of GTZ project on improving National FSC Standards on forest certification_x000D_
1998-2006 -Chairman, National Working group on SFM & FC, now is SFM-FC Institute._x000D_
2005-Team Member of External Evaluation of the first phase of the TBI-Vietnam Program_x000D_
2005- SNV/WB Team member of Evaluation Mission for State Forest Enterprises Reform._x000D_
2004-2006 -Consultant of 2006-2020 National Forest Strategy Development
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Doctor of Sciense, Forest Management, Leningrad Forest Technical Academy, 1989
Publication titles
1. Nguy?n Ng?c Lung, 2010 . Nghiên c?u xây d?ng h? th?ng t? ch?c, th? ch? chính sách d? qu?n lý sa m?c hóa, áp d?ng cho vùng Nam Trung B? d?n nam 2020. Ð? tài c?p nhà nu?c, mã s? KC 08-23/ 06-10 . Báo cáo khoa h?c nam 2020, Vi?n Ð?a lý (Developing chart organization system, institution, policies for Desertification Management, applying in Southern Trung Bo region towards the year of 2020). National subject code KC 08-23/ 06-10. Scientific Report 2010 . Geography Research Institute).pp1-15_x000D_
2. Nguy?n Ng?c Lung, 2009 . Các mô hình ch?ng sa m?c hóa c?a Chuong trình GEF/SGP t?i Vi?t Nam . Báo cáo khoa h?c t?i H?i th?o qu?c gia (Demontration Models of GEF/SGP in Vietnam on Combating Desertification.National Workshop) Phan Thi?t 24-25 Apr. 2009. pp 1-10_x000D_
3. Nguy?n Ng?c Lung, 2008 T?ng quan v? ch?ng sa m?c hóa, hoang m?c hóa t?i Vi?t Nam. Báo cáo khoa h?c nam 2008 . Ð? tài c?p nhà nu?c, mã s? KC 08-23/ 06-10. Vi?n Ð?a lý (Overview on Combating Desertification in Vietnam . Scientific Report 2008. National Subject code KC 08-23/06-10 .Geography Research Institute). Hanoi, pp 1-12. _x000D_
4. Nguy?n Ng?c Lung, 2005 M?t vài nét ch?ng sa m?c hóa t?i Vi?t Nam. Báo cáo t?i h?i th?o qu?c gia v? Thoái hóa d?t và sa m?c hóa .(Some Aspects on Combating Desertification in Vietnam. Presentation in National Worshop on Soil Degradation and Desertification). Qu?ng Tr? ,30-05-2005, pp 1-20._x000D_
5. Nguyen Ngoc Lung, 2001 Scientific Basis and Solutions for Combating Desertification in Vietnam . Proceedings of MARD-DoF Conference . Hanoi 8-9 Nov. 2001 . pp 113-117 .
Other activities
1. Member / and Chairman of the Vietnam Forester Association (VIFA), from 1983 _x000D_
2. Member / and International Council member of IUFRO , from 1990_x000D_
3. Member of International Society of Tropical Foresters USA, from 1991_x000D_
4. Member of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), from 2001_x000D_
5. Chairman of UNDP-GEF/SGP in Vietnam, from 2006
Organisation name
Organisation street address
114 Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Cau Giay District
Organisation city
Organisation country
Viet Nam