Independent experts nominated by country party

Luyi Ma

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
Job function
Telephone number
86 10 623 383 19
Work experience
- I graduated and got Bachelor of Science degree from Beijing Forestry University on Forestry in 1982. After that I worked in the Forest Resources and Environment College of Beijing Forestry University as an Assistant Lecturer. From 1985 to 1993, I was a Lecturer working in the same school. In 1995, I obtained Doctor of Agriculture degree. In 1994, I was promoted as an Associate Professor. After 1997, I have been a Professor on Silviculture. I used to be Vice Director of Forest Resources and Environment College of Beijing Forestry University._x000D_
- I participated and advised total 10 scientific researches. They are Afforestation in Daxinanling, Soil Water of Beijing Xishan Mountain, Afforestation of Beijing Miyun and so on.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.Sc., Forestry, Beijing Forest University, 1978-82_x000D_
Doctorate of Science, Silviculture, Beijing Forest University, 1990-95
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Luyi, M., 1999: Analysis of Soil Physi-Chemical Properties of Beijing Xishan Mountain, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, Vol. 21, No. 1; _x000D_
2. Luyi, M., 1998: Curve Fitting and Analysis for Soil Water Characteristic Data of Beijing Xishan Mountain, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 24-30; _x000D_
3. Luyi, M., 1997: Research on Soil Water Parameters in China and Abroad, World Forestry Research Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 26-33;_x000D_
4. Luyi, M., 1998: An Introduction to Forestry, Beijing, Economy Science Publisher; _x000D_
5. Luyi, M., 1996: Silviculture, Beijing, Goods and Materials Publisher
Other activities
1. I studied in the Department of Forestry of Goettingen University of Germany from 1986 to 1988
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation city
Organisation country