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Independent experts nominated by country party

Mahlomola Ernest Daemane

First name
Mahlomola Ernest
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Animal sciences
Environmental sciences/ecology
Other Disciplines
1. Restoration Ecology 2. Vegetation Ecology
3. Plant Taxonomy 4. Animal Ecology
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
South Africa
Job function
Science-Park Interface, South African National Parks
Telephone number
Work experience
The project experience include development of annual plans of operation for degraded and rehabilitation programme across 18 national parks, including review and development of park management plans. Field experience includes mapping of degraded areas and development of rehabilitation for identified sites. The plans also include research, monitoring and costing of identified sites for rehabilitation measures. Review of park management plans include coordination and development of lower level biodiversity plans. Plans are written by different scientists based in different locations in the country. The project plan consists of activities with deadlines and costing processes. The second phase entailed review of all the lower level plans followed by submission to the executive committee for final approval.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
MSc. North West University; 2008
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Ferreira, S., Deacon, A., Sithole, H., Bezuidenhout, H., Daemane, M. & Herbst, M., 2011. From numbers to ecosystems and biodiversity: A mechanistic approach to monitoring. Koedoe 53(2), Art. #998, 12 pages. doi:10.4102/koedoe. v53i2.998;
2. Daemane M.E., Van Wyk, B-E. and Moteetee, A. 2010. Checklist of ferns and seed plants of the Golden Gate HighlandsNational Park, South Africa. Bothalia 40,2: 205–218 (2010);
3. Daemane M.E., Cilliers S.S. & Bezuidenhout H., 2009. An ecological study of the plant communities in the proposed Highveld National Park, in the peri-urban area of Potchefstroom, South Africa. Koedoe 52(1), Art. #708, 8 pages. DOI: 10.4102/koedoe.v52i1.708;
4. Daemane M.E., Cilliers S.S. & Bezuidenhout H., 2012. Classification and description of the vegetation in the Spitskop area in the proposed Highveld National Park, in the peri-urban area of Potchefstroom, South Africa. Koedoe 54(1), Art. #1020, 7 pages.;
5. Ferreira, S., Daemane, M., Deacon, A., Sithole, H., & Bezuidenhout, H. 2013. Efficient Evaluation of Biodiversity Concerns in Protected Areas. International Journal of Biodiversity, Volume 2013, Article ID 298968, 12 pages.
Other activities
Afromontane Research Committee: University of Free State
Organisation nature
Conservation Services
Organisation street address
99 Memorial Road South Ridge, Kimberley,
Organisation country
South Africa