Independent experts nominated by country party

Maria Grozeva Sokolovska

Prof. Dr.
First name
Maria Grozeva
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken




Geographical Focus
Job function
Department of Soil Science
Telephone number
359 2 962 04 42
Work experience
- Participation in preparation of the National Report relevant to UNCCD - MOEW (2002; 2006);_x000D_
- Participation in two National Seminar relevant to UNCCD – “Land and soil degradation and combating desertification” (1998; 2002);_x000D_
- Head of working group in project “Bulgarian National Capacity Self-Assessment for global environmental management” - UNDP/GEF, 2003-2004_x000D_
- Project manager of project “ Distribution et cycle de 137 Cs dans les ecosystems forestiers” – Ref.: Rila 2/12, financed by EC/MinEdu, 2004-2007_x000D_
- Expert in Medium-sized project proposal ”Integrating Global Environmental Issues into Bulgaria’s Regional Development Process” – UNDP /GEF, 2005_x000D_
- Project manager of project “ Radiocesium distribution in Greek and Bulgarian forest ecosystems” - Ref.: BG-8/2005, financed by EC/MinEdu, 2005-2008_x000D_
- Expert in project “Development of Methods for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry in Bulgaria” - financed by MAF, 2005-2007_x000D_
- Chief Technical Adviser in project “Capacity building for sustainable land management in Bulgaria” - UNDP/GEF, 2005-2007_x000D_
- Project manager of project “Forest Products Quality and Sustainability of Ecosystems in Balkan Region (FORPROECO)” – Ref.: Pre-7FP-21, financed by ??/MinEdu, 2007/2008. _x000D_
- Head of team working in the project “"Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System" (FutMon) financed by Life+, 2011._x000D_
- Expert in project “FUTUREforests” financed by INTERREG IVC, 2010-2011
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Engineer forester; forestry, forest pedology and erosion protection, ecology; University of Forestry, Sofia; 1972
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Sokolovska, M. 2002. Forest ecological systems and the combat against desertification.- In: "Land and soil degradation and combating desertification", National seminar, Sofia, 13-14.06.2002, 29-35._x000D_
2. Sokolovska, M., N.Stoyanova, M.Zhiyanski. 2004. Investigation on the plantation and soil conditions at the biosphere reserve “Parangalitsa”. – Silva Balcanica, Issue 4 (1), 67-77_x000D_
3. Bech, J., L. Petrova, M. Sokolovska, J.Garrigo. 2005. Organic Matter of Selected Luvisols from Catalonia, Spain. – CATENA Verlag, 35 447 Reiskirchen, 281-290._x000D_
4. Doichinova, V., M.Sokolovska, E.Velizarova. 2006. Heavy metals contamination of soils under oak ecosystems in the Sofia region. - Environmental Chemistry Letters, vol.4, ?2, 101-105._x000D_
5. Zhiyanski, M., M. Sokolovska, J. Bech, A. Clouvas, I. Penev, V. Badulin. 2010. Cesium-137 contamination of oak (Quercus petrae Liebl.) from sub-mediterranean zone in South Bulgaria. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101 (2010) 864-868
Other activities
Member of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS)_x000D_
Member of the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)_x000D_
Member of the European Humus Research Group_x000D_
Member of the National Steering Committee of Small Grants Programme – GEF_x000D_
Member of the Union of Bulgarian Foresters.
1. GEF-UNDP- The GEF Small Grants Programme; Certificate of Appreciation, December 5, 2009.
Organisation name
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Organisation street address
132 St.Kliment Ohridski blvd., 1756
Organisation city
Organisation country