Independent experts nominated by country party
Markus Giger
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Agricultural sciences
Environmental economics
Environmental sciences/ecology
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Natural Resource Management
Rural Development
Natural Resource Management
Rural Development
Thematic Areas
Rural development
Sustainable land management
UN languages spoken
Geographical Focus
Job function
Co-Leader Sustainability Governance Cluster
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Telephone number
+41 31 631 37 52
Work experience
Conceptual work, research and technical support in sustainable rural development and sustainable management of natural resources:
Amongst these are:
Co-ordinator and facilitator of a net-work consisting of SDC, universities and Swiss Development NGO's on "sustainable use of land use"; co-ordinator of a working group "incentives and subsidies for sustainable soil use". A presentation of results of this network can be found at:
Capitalisation of Experiences of 5 projects in the natural resource domain in Bulgaria on behalf of SDC.
Backstopping missions for the Central Asia Mountain Partnership Programme (funded by SDC).
Member of a Swiss Consortium in the project “European Research Area on Agricultural Research for Development (ERA-ARD)” working on common Project Management Standards and on Capacity Development.
Developing the curriculum and conducting training course on Environmental Impact Analysis in Madagascar.
Consultancy missions in Central America. Support to the elaboration of case studies and guidelines regarding the use of incentives in projects.
Amongst these are:
Co-ordinator and facilitator of a net-work consisting of SDC, universities and Swiss Development NGO's on "sustainable use of land use"; co-ordinator of a working group "incentives and subsidies for sustainable soil use". A presentation of results of this network can be found at:
Capitalisation of Experiences of 5 projects in the natural resource domain in Bulgaria on behalf of SDC.
Backstopping missions for the Central Asia Mountain Partnership Programme (funded by SDC).
Member of a Swiss Consortium in the project “European Research Area on Agricultural Research for Development (ERA-ARD)” working on common Project Management Standards and on Capacity Development.
Developing the curriculum and conducting training course on Environmental Impact Analysis in Madagascar.
Consultancy missions in Central America. Support to the elaboration of case studies and guidelines regarding the use of incentives in projects.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Dipl. Engineer Agronomy ETH, Specialisation in Agricultural Economics, Federal Polytechnical School Zurich, 1977-1982
Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Post-Universitaire, Spécialisation Economie Rurale et Développement, Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen Montpellier, 1983
Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Post-Universitaire, Spécialisation Economie Rurale et Développement, Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen Montpellier, 1983
Number of Publications
Publication titles
- Giger, Markus, Kerstin Nolte, Ward Anseeuw, Thomas Breu, Wytske Chamberlain, Peter Messerli, Christoph Oberlack, and Tobias Haller. 2019. Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on common-pool resources. In: The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses (2019): 257. edited by Tobias Haller, Thomas Breu, Tine De Moor, Christian Rohr, Heinzpeter Znoj. Routledge;
- Oberlack, Christoph, Laura Tejada, Peter Messerli, Stephan Rist, and Markus Giger (2016). "Sustainable livelihoods in the global land rush? Archetypes of livelihood vulnerability and sustainability potentials." Global Environmental Change 41 (2016): 153-171;
- Nolte, Kerstin; Chamberlain, Wytske; Giger, Markus (2016). International Land Deals for Agriculture. Fresh insights from the Land Matrix: Analytical Report II. Bern, Montpellier, Hamburg, Pretoria: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern; Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement; German Institute of Global and Area Studies; University of Pretoria; Bern Open Publishing;
- Hurni, H., Giger, M., Liniger, H., Studer, R. M., Messerli, P., Portner, B., Breu, T. (2015). Soils, agriculture and food security: the interplay between ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 15, 25-34;
- Giger, M., Liniger, H., Sauter, C., & Schwilch, G. (2015). Economic Benefits and Costs of Sustainable Land Management Technologies: An Analysis of WOCAT's Global Data. Land Degradation & Development.
- Oberlack, Christoph, Laura Tejada, Peter Messerli, Stephan Rist, and Markus Giger (2016). "Sustainable livelihoods in the global land rush? Archetypes of livelihood vulnerability and sustainability potentials." Global Environmental Change 41 (2016): 153-171;
- Nolte, Kerstin; Chamberlain, Wytske; Giger, Markus (2016). International Land Deals for Agriculture. Fresh insights from the Land Matrix: Analytical Report II. Bern, Montpellier, Hamburg, Pretoria: Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern; Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement; German Institute of Global and Area Studies; University of Pretoria; Bern Open Publishing;
- Hurni, H., Giger, M., Liniger, H., Studer, R. M., Messerli, P., Portner, B., Breu, T. (2015). Soils, agriculture and food security: the interplay between ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 15, 25-34;
- Giger, M., Liniger, H., Sauter, C., & Schwilch, G. (2015). Economic Benefits and Costs of Sustainable Land Management Technologies: An Analysis of WOCAT's Global Data. Land Degradation & Development.
Other activities
1. UNCCD Science and Technology correspondent (STC) for Switzerland
2. Member of _Société Suisse d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurale (SSE)
2. Member of _Société Suisse d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurale (SSE)
Organisation name
University of Bern
Organisation street address
Institute of Geography
Organisation city
Organisation country
Organisation website