Independent experts nominated by country party

Martial Bernoux

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Agricultural Sciences
Environmental Sciences
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Burkina Faso
Job function
Senior Scientist (Directeur de Recherche)
UMR Eco&Sols
Telephone number
33 499 612108 / 612101
Work experience
Since 1999 evaluation of the role of soils and agricultural systems in carbon sequestration focusing on soil carbon temporal and spatial dynamics and their integration at regional or national scale (mainly Brazil, French West Indies, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Western Africa, Tunisia and Morocco). Coordinated 15 research projects and participated to 20 other national and international projects. IRD representative in the GEF/UNEP Projects “Carbon Benefits Project (2010-1012), and “Assessment of soil organic carbon stocks and change at national scale” (2002-2005). Co-coordinator and founding member of the Latin American Soil Carbon Network (LASCANet). In 2012, Founding member of the Francophone African network « Carbone des Sols pour une Agriculture durable en Afrique » (CaSA : Soil Carbon for a Sustainable agriculture in Africa). Since 2009, as an FAO Consultant, development of the FAO Ex-ante Carbon-balance Tools (EX-ACT) to provide ex-ante estimates of the mitigation impact of agriculture and forestry development projects (
Thematic areas: Soil organic matter, Carbone cycle, Greenhouse gas and agro-ecosystems
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
R- French HDR, Univ. of Orléans (France), 2007_x000D_
- PhD in “Soil Science” of the University of Orléans (France), 1998_x000D_
- Ph D in “Isotopic Sciences” of the the University of São Paulo (Brazil), 1998_x000D_
- Master of “Agronomic Sciences” Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL), Nancy (France),1991_x000D_
- Agronomic Engineer, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d´Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires (ENSAIA), Nancy (France), 1991
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Branca G., Hissa H., Benez M.C., Medeiros K., Lipper L., Tinlot M., Bockel L., Bernoux M. 2013. Capturing synergies between rural development and agricultural mitigation in Brazil. Land Use Policy, 30, 507-518._x000D_
2. Grinand C, Rakotomalala F., Gond V., Vaudry R, Bernoux M., Vieilledent, G. 2013. Estimating deforestation in tropical humid and dry forests in Madagascar from 2000 to 2010 using multi-date Landsat satellite images and the random forests classifier. Remote Sensing of Environment, 139,68-80.
Other activities
1. Since 2010, Member of the French Scientific Committee on Desertification (CSFD - Lead author of the CSFD thematic report “Carbon in dryland soils - Multiple essential functions”_x000D_
2. Since 2011. Several responsibilities link with the Global Soil Partnership initiative: Member ofTechnical Working Group (WG) set to prepare the Zero draf of the GSP. Since 2014, member of WG for Pillar 3 “Promote targeted soil research and development focusing on identified gaps and priorities and synergies with relatedproductive, environmental and social development actions”_x000D_
3. Since 2007, nominated scientific committee member of the program GESSOL (Gestion du patrimoine Sol, of the French Ministry in charge of Ecology and Sustainable Development. Since 2011, nominated scientific committee member of the program IGCS (Inventory, Management and Soil Conservation) of the French Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ( _x000D_
4. Contributing Author (Chapter 3) of the IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF (2003); Reviewer of the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCCl. French representative at the IPCC Expert Meeting Revisiting the Use of Managed Land (May, 2009)._x000D_
5. 2007-2010, elected steering and administrative committee member of the French National Association for Soils (AFES:
Organisation name
Institut de recherche pour le Développement
Organisation street address
Campus SupAgro – Bat 12 2 Place Viala, 34060
Organisation city
Montpellier Cedex 2
Organisation country