Independent experts nominated by country party
Mélanie Requier-Desjardins
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development
Thematic Areas
Climate change
UN languages spoken
Geographical Focus
Burkina Faso
Job function
Scientific Administrator, Lecturer, researcher
Telephone number
33 04 67 04 31 88
Work experience
Submitted ? Training project (coordinator) : submission of a TEMPUS project (EU 2010) to mainstream adaptation to climate change through the training of civil society / Cooperation project (coordinator): submission of a ENPI CBCMED project (EU, 2009) _x000D_
Development projects: Coordinator of the Environment and the Research for Development programs on the Observatory of Sahara and Sahel (2006-2008) : follow up of two projects on the implementation of 1. Drought warning system in three northern African countries (EU LIFE project); 2. Environment monitoring systems in 4 circum Saharan countries._x000D_
Operational research projects for AFD (FRA) (2002-2003 and 2005-2006) : Socio-economic costs of desertification in Africa, methodologies and results analyses ; interaction between desertification, biodiversity and climate change in local projects, monitoring indicators
Development projects: Coordinator of the Environment and the Research for Development programs on the Observatory of Sahara and Sahel (2006-2008) : follow up of two projects on the implementation of 1. Drought warning system in three northern African countries (EU LIFE project); 2. Environment monitoring systems in 4 circum Saharan countries._x000D_
Operational research projects for AFD (FRA) (2002-2003 and 2005-2006) : Socio-economic costs of desertification in Africa, methodologies and results analyses ; interaction between desertification, biodiversity and climate change in local projects, monitoring indicators
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in economic Sciences, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2001_x000D_
Subject : Pastoral systems of production and transhumance in Northern Cameroon, a study of access to common pastures : socio-economic investigation and multi-agent modelling, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2001
Subject : Pastoral systems of production and transhumance in Northern Cameroon, a study of access to common pastures : socio-economic investigation and multi-agent modelling, University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines, 2001
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Requier-Desjardins M., Adhikari B.., Sperlich S., 2010 (to be published). Response to land degration : an economic approach ; Special issue of Land Degradation and Development, Forthcoming (in revision)_x000D_
2. Requier-Desjardins, M., 2010. Impacts du changement climatique sur l'agriculture au Maroc et en Tunisie et priorités d'adaptation, note d’analyse du CIHEAM n°56, Parois (FRA), CIHEAM ; 2010. 16p._x000D_
3._Requier-Desjardins, M. ; Jauffret, S. ; Ben Khatra, N. 2009. Lutter contre la désertification. Hervieu, B. (Directeur) ; Thibault, H.-L. (Directeur) ; Abis, S. (Coordinateur). Mediterra 2009 : repenser le développement rural en Méditerranée. Paris (FRA) : Presses de Sciences Po, CIHEAM, Plan Bleu ; 2009. 137-182._x000D_
4. Requier-Desjardins, M. Social cost of desertification in Africa : the case of migration. Lee, C.; Schaaf, T. (Ed). The Future of Drylands. International Scientific Conference on Desertification and Drylands Research ; 2006/06/19-21 ; Tunis (TUN). UNESCO, Paris (FRA) ; 2008. 561-582._x000D_
5. Ballet, J. ; Sirven, N. ; Requier-Desjardins, M. Social capital and natural resources management: a critical perspective. Journal of Environment and Development. 2007, 16 (4) : 355-374.
2. Requier-Desjardins, M., 2010. Impacts du changement climatique sur l'agriculture au Maroc et en Tunisie et priorités d'adaptation, note d’analyse du CIHEAM n°56, Parois (FRA), CIHEAM ; 2010. 16p._x000D_
3._Requier-Desjardins, M. ; Jauffret, S. ; Ben Khatra, N. 2009. Lutter contre la désertification. Hervieu, B. (Directeur) ; Thibault, H.-L. (Directeur) ; Abis, S. (Coordinateur). Mediterra 2009 : repenser le développement rural en Méditerranée. Paris (FRA) : Presses de Sciences Po, CIHEAM, Plan Bleu ; 2009. 137-182._x000D_
4. Requier-Desjardins, M. Social cost of desertification in Africa : the case of migration. Lee, C.; Schaaf, T. (Ed). The Future of Drylands. International Scientific Conference on Desertification and Drylands Research ; 2006/06/19-21 ; Tunis (TUN). UNESCO, Paris (FRA) ; 2008. 561-582._x000D_
5. Ballet, J. ; Sirven, N. ; Requier-Desjardins, M. Social capital and natural resources management: a critical perspective. Journal of Environment and Development. 2007, 16 (4) : 355-374.
Other activities
1.Administration board of the CARI, Centre d’Actions et de Réalisations internationales, NGO, (UNCCD accreditation)_x000D_
1. Membre of French Scientific Committee since 2004_x000D_
2. One of the Lead Author of WP3 (social and economic drivers of desertification) for the first UNCCD scientific Conference (Buenos Aires, September 2009)_x000D_
3._Invited to present (for OSS) in plenary at CST, COP8 Madrid on desertification and climate change issue and interlinkages
2. One of the Lead Author of WP3 (social and economic drivers of desertification) for the first UNCCD scientific Conference (Buenos Aires, September 2009)_x000D_
3._Invited to present (for OSS) in plenary at CST, COP8 Madrid on desertification and climate change issue and interlinkages
Organisation name
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
Organisation street address
3191 route de Mende, 34093
Organisation city
Montpellier cedex 5
Organisation country