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Independent experts nominated by country party

Monique Mainguet

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Environmental Remote Sensing
Thematic Areas
Remote sensing
UN languages spoken


Job function
Hon. Professor
Director of laboratory of Zonal geography and development
1) 2)
Telephone number
33 04 66299282
Work experience
My first experience in 1962 at Strasbourg, University was a geomorphic task to elaborate the first geomorphic maps in latin America (Venezuela, Peru, Chile). _x000D_
Successively in the University of Paris 10 and in the University of Reims, I was involved in combating land degradation in the Sahel , south of Sahara, mainly the spatial damages gendered by wind erosion in the context of desertification. _x000D_
There fore I created and assumed the Direction of “Laboratoire de Géographie Zonale pour le Development” (LGZD) _x000D_
I developed a synoptic model of Aeolian erosion (GWAS General Wind Action by System at the scale of the whole desert for example Sahara and Regional Wind Action System (RWAS), at the scale on one country Egypt for example.Which were used in the implementation of strategies of development in Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Niger (with Gerdat). _x000D_
I have worked also on wind erosion in combination with other physical processes of degradation (water erosion) and human activities in Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Tchad (with IGN)_x000D_
I collaborate also with Institute Geographic National of Paris : training courses on remote sensing for developing countries of Africa, with FAO, UNDP and WMO lecturing on surfaces dynamics. _x000D_
I was during 4 years director of DC/PAC/Desertification control, programme activity centre) in UNEP;_x000D_
Presently my main interest is the relationships between human pressures and physical factors of land degradation, the rural perceptive of land degradation and to apprehend the farmers and pastoralists answers vis-à-vis desertification.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Doctorat d’Etat : Le modelé des Grès, Institut Géographique National Univ. Paris Sorbonne 1972_x000D_
Thèse de 3ème cycle : La décomposition des roches dans les Andes vénézuéliennes Université de Strasbourg 1966
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Mainguet M. 1991 Desertification. Natural Backgroung end Human Mismanagement. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 306 p. (2éditions)_x000D_
2. Le’Solle R., Mainguet M., 1993 Aral. Springer Verlag Paris (traduction en allemand)_x000D_
3 Mainguet M. 1995 _L’homme et la sécheresse___x000D_
4 Mainguet M. 1995, Aridity; droughts and human development Springer Verlag Heidelberg 302 p_x000D_
5. Mainguet M. 2003 Les pays secs : Environnement et développement, Ellipse Paris 159p
Other activities
1. Member of CSFD_Comité Scientifique français de la Désertification_x000D_
2. Membre of IUF Institut Universitaire de France _x000D_
3. Member of European Desertnet International DNI
1. Mérite National Centrafricain, for services rendus at the University of Bangui_x000D_
2. Membre d'honneur de la "Gesellschaft für Erd und Völkerkunde zu Stuttgart E.V."_x000D_
3. 1984 Chevalier des Palmes Académiques_x000D_
4. Décembre 1996 Prix "Victor-Amédée du Boc
Organisation name
Université de Reims, Champagne-Ardenne
Organisation street address
University of Reims “Champagne Ardennes” Professor associé laboratoire Gegenaa – 57 rue Pierre Taittinger, 59100
Organisation city
Organisation country