Independent experts nominated by country party
Montserrat Gispert Cruells
First name
Last name
Gispert Cruells
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Plant Science
UN languages spoken
Job function
Professor and Researcher
Biology Department
Telephone number
52 5 622 4921
Work experience
- Adviser on Natural Resources at the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas and Nayarit States, Mexico_x000D_
- Adviser in Vegetal Natural Resources Area at the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT)_x000D_
- Adviser at Cordova Botanical Garden, University of Cordova, Spain_x000D_
- Adviser in Multidisciplinary Project of Medicinal Plants, Mission National University, Argentina_x000D_
- Titled Full time Professor at the Biology Department, Sciences School of UNAM, Mexico
- Adviser in Vegetal Natural Resources Area at the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT)_x000D_
- Adviser at Cordova Botanical Garden, University of Cordova, Spain_x000D_
- Adviser in Multidisciplinary Project of Medicinal Plants, Mission National University, Argentina_x000D_
- Titled Full time Professor at the Biology Department, Sciences School of UNAM, Mexico
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B. Sc. in Biology_x000D_
M. Sc and Postgraduate in Biology, Musée national dl'histoire naturel, Paris, France
M. Sc and Postgraduate in Biology, Musée national dl'histoire naturel, Paris, France
Number of Publications
Other activities
- Lecturer at congresses, workshops in more than 31 events at the national level and 35 at the international level in Cuba, France, Brazil, Usa, Costa Rica and Italy_x000D_
- Member of Objective Commission for Biologist Career at the School of Sciences of UNAM_x000D_
- Member of the Organizing Committee for the III International Ethnobiology Congress_x000D_
- General Coordinator of the Biology Department; School of Sciences of UNAM_x000D_
- Member of Sciences School Scholarships Sub-Committee, UNAM
- Member of Objective Commission for Biologist Career at the School of Sciences of UNAM_x000D_
- Member of the Organizing Committee for the III International Ethnobiology Congress_x000D_
- General Coordinator of the Biology Department; School of Sciences of UNAM_x000D_
- Member of Sciences School Scholarships Sub-Committee, UNAM
- Presidecy at the National and International Congresses_x000D_
- "Martin Cruz" award given by Mexican Academy of Traditional Medicine, A.C._x000D_
- Working during 30 years at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM)
- "Martin Cruz" award given by Mexican Academy of Traditional Medicine, A.C._x000D_
- Working during 30 years at the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM)
Organisation name
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Organisation street address
Etnobotanic Laboratory of Vascular Plants_x000D_
UNAM, CP 04510
UNAM, CP 04510
Organisation city
México DF
Organisation country