Independent experts nominated by country party

Narendra Kumar Tyagi

First name
Narendra Kumar
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Telephone number
91 184 250801
Work experience
I have more than 25 years experience of planning, supervising, advising and executing programmes in the area of land and water management in saline environment. I have been engaged in research on canal water delivery scheduling, water allocation and water application, hydro-salinity modelling, and conjunctive use of saline and poor quality water. I have also supervised M.Sc., Ph.D. research and was responsible for establishment "Advanced Centre of Post Graduate Agricultural Education and Research in Irrigation Management. At national level, I have provided consultancy to command area development authority (Sarda Sahayak, Ramganga), AFPRO, U.P. Land Reclamation Corporation, etc. At international level, I was retained by FAO for Expert Consultation in "Problems soils", "Salinity and drainage" and "Use of simulation of models in Irrigation and Drainage".
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.Sc. (ag. Eng. & Tech.) - Agric. Ewngineering, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, 1963-67._x000D_
M. Tech. Agric. Eng. (S & WCE) - IIT, Kharagpur, India, 1967-69._x000D_
Ph.D., Civil Eng (WR), JNTU, Hyderabad, India, 1983.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Tyagi, N.K., Bhirud, S., Kaushal, R.K., Ambast, S. and Mishra, A.R. 1992. Improving canal water delivery performance: Some approaches, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, New Delhi; Publication N°246, pp. 69._x000D_
2. Tyagi, N.K., Tyagi, K.C., and Pillai, N.N. 1992. A framework for planning irrigation system improvements for salinity control. Central Board of Irrigation and Power, Publication N°229, p. 90._x000D_
3. Tyagi, N.K., Tyagi, K.C., Pillai, N.N. and Willardson, L.S. 1993. Decision support to irrigation system improvement in saline environment, Agricultural Water Management 19(4):285-301._x000D_
4. Tyagi, N.K. 1987. Managing salinity through conjunctive use of water resources, Ecological Modelling, 40:11-24._x000D_
5. Tyagi, N.K. 1986. Optimal water management strategies for salinity control, J. Irrig. and Drain. Eng. Proc. SCE, 112(2): 81-87.
Other activities
1. Fellow Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (FISAE)._x000D_
2. Fellow National Academy of Agricultural Sciences._x000D_
3. Vice President of Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research._x000D_
4. Member, Indian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage._x000D_
5. Member, ICID Working Group on Irrigation and Drainage System Performance.
1. Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for outstanding Doctoral Research by ICAR - 1984._x000D_
2. Senior Fulbright Fellowship to work on "Environmental Planning for Salinity Control, 1990"._x000D_
3. Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for Resource Management by ICAR - 1993-95.
Organisation name
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Karnal (Haryana)
Organisation country