Independent experts nominated by country party

Naresh Chandra Saxena

First name
Naresh Chandra
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Centre of Mining Environment
Telephone number
91 326 206372
Work experience
Conducted, guided and supervised coal mining subsidence research which led to the development of the present status of the subject. Advised industry to help extracting over 20 million tonnes of coal without causing any problem to surface properties. Developed and drafted Indian Standard for coal mining subsidence prediction and management. Advising ONGs on prediction of Land Subsidence due to withdrawal of fluid and gas from underground reservoirs. Conducted, guided and supervised environmental research on mining in fragile areas; rehabilitation and revegetation of overburden dumps; socio-economic profiles of mining complexes; social cost of environmental pollution; utilisation of coal combustion residues; environmental management in mining complexes; etc. Formulated EMP for granite mining at Karwar, Karnatka for project SEABIRD of Indian Navy. Formulated rapid EIA of mining projects in Jharia coalfield.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. Mining Engineering, Banaras Hindu University, 1974._x000D_
B.Sc. Mining Engineering, Banaras Hindu University, 1963.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Saxena, N.C. (1991): Subsidence management in Jharia coalfield, India - a concept. Land Subsidence (Ed. A.I. Johnson). IAHS Publication N° 200, pp. 181-194._x000D_
2. Chatterjee, D.S. and Saxena, N.C. (1996), Subsidence prediction methodologies in India - a critical review. _x000D_
MINETECH, V. 17, N°1, pp. 62-69._x000D_
3. Saxena, N.C. (1996), Environmental juggernaut in Indian mining industry. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, V XLIV, N°12, pp. 425-431._x000D_
4. Saxena, N.C. (1995) EMP (Environmental Management Plan) preparation for mining projects - an approach. The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, V- , N°- , pp. 35-43._x000D_
5. Saxena, N.C. (1994) Impacts of industrialisation on tribals in Sharkhand, The Social Change, V. 24, N°1 & 2, pp. 119-123.
Other activities
1. Life Member, Institution of Engineers, India._x000D_
2. Life Member, Indian Geotechnical Society._x000D_
3. Life Member, Indian Association of Environmental Management._x000D_
4. Member, International Association of Hydrological Sciences._x000D_
5. Member, TC 12 Technical Committee of ISSMMEE.
1. Chaired Technical Sessions in the 4th and 5th International Symposia on Land Subsidence at Houston, USA, and the Hague, The Netherlands, respectively._x000D_
2. Member, Expert Committee on Mining Environment, constituted by the Ministry of Environment and
Organisation name
Indian School of Mines, Centre of Mining Environment
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation country