Independent experts nominated by country party

Olivier Barriere

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Environmental Policy and MEA
Political Science
and Sociology
Animal Science
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Chargé de recherche : IRD Researcher in environmental law
Maison de la Télédétection, UMR ESPACE-DEV (228)
Telephone number
00 33 46754 8704 / 632790782
Work experience
My research focused on environmental legal regulation in the South (Sahelian Africa, Morocco and French Guyane) and in France (Cevennes, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). Three key aspects emerge from my work based on site investigations, a spatio-temporal data processing and an approach oriented research :_x000D_
1) The analysis of a holistic approach to the law, the definition of a legal character in a legal pluralism : the right "hard", "soft" endogenous right (legal customs and habits). A juridicity defining itself through mandatory standards and membership (soft) and models of traditional and individual behavior._x000D_
2 ) Analysis and formalization of a negotiated environmental law. Based on the relationships between the various coexisting legal systems (legal pluralism), the concern of the research has focused on the relationship between local legitimacy (customs provisions) and national law. To overcome this dichotomy to allow the emergence of local governance of natural resources, has been made in situ experiments in local environmental agreement (Senegal), charter « territory » (Morocco) and support for charter the Guyane Amazonian park._x000D_
3) Analysis of a common heritage in a right perspective for sustainable development. Control over natural resources and land (in rural areas) often based on logical community before any form of private ownership. Indeed, private in the southern regions studied (Sahel, Moroccan High Atlas, Amazon) property was not widespread and social groups often organize collective management (residential or lineage of origin) shared resources (land, grass, wood, water, fish, game, ... ). The territorialisation of space makes a distribution of rights between groups and individuals. _x000D_
My main areas of research in African and Amazonian . In a comparative perspective and recovery,
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Phd. Of law/doctorat en Droit, University of Paris 1 Sorbonne Panthéon, 1996 (Phd + HDR (Authorization to manage researches)_x000D_
1996 Gestion des ressources naturelles renouvelables et conservation des écosystèmes au Sahel: le Foncier-Environnement, Thèse soutenue le 5 novembre 1996 à l'Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, sous la direction du Professeur Etienne LE ROY, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Juridique de Paris, 2 volumes (686 p.&230 p.).
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. 2012, Olivier BARRIERE « Changement climatique et droit de l’homme : vers un droit de la coviabilité des systèmes sociaux et écologiques ? », in Changements climatiques et droits humains, dir. Daniel Dormoy & Camille Kuyu, ed. Espérance, 227-250._x000D_
2012, Olivier Barrière, « Le paysage façonné par le droit, entre la rationalité du droit positif et l’empirisme culturel juridique », VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement [En ligne], Hors-série 14 | septembre 2012. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/vertigo.12482_x000D_
2012, Olivier BARRIERE et Jean-François FAURE, « L’enjeu d’un droit négocié pour le Parc Amazonien de Guyane » in Natures Sciences Sociétés 20, 167-180._x000D_
2012, Olivier BARRIERE, « Entre légalité et légitimités locales, comment le droit s’adapte-t-il ? » in Espaces Naturels, n°38, p.40-41_x000D_
2011, Olivier BARRIERE, « Pluralisme juridique et patrimonialisation : entre paradigmes de l’« appropriation » et du « patrimoine commun » » in La question du patrimoine en Guyane française.
Organisation name
Institut de recherche pour le Développement
Organisation street address
500 rue Jean-François Breton, 34093
Organisation city
Montpellier Cedex
Organisation country