Independent experts nominated by country party

Omran Al Shihabi

First name
Last name
Al Shihabi
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil and water conservation
UN languages spoken




Job function
Associated Professor
Soil sciences departement - Faculty of Agricultur
Telephone number
00 963 11 54918190
Work experience
1. Adaptation to Climate Change in the Water Sector in the MENA Region, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, GIZ-ACSAD project, 2012-2014._x000D_
2. Developing the Capacities of the Arab Countries for Climate Change Adaptation by Applying Integrated Water Resources Management Tools, 2013-2015, ESCWA, UNEP/ROWA, ACSAD, ACUWA, WHO/CEHA and GIZ._x000D_
3. R-osMed Network of Mediterranean erosion research catchments, Studying water erosion in the catchments of the Mediterranean region, SUPAGRO, INRA, Montpelier, France, 2012._x000D_
4. Developing, Applying and Disseminating a Decision Support System (WEAP-DSS) for Water Management in the Arab Region, Collaboration project between the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD) and the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR),
Discipline: 1- Natural Resource Management, 2- Soil and Water Conservation: Geographic area of experience _x000D_
MENA Region
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Soil and Water Conservation, University of Polytech' Lille, France,2002_x000D_
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1- Mourad, K. A., Alshehabi, O. and Berndtsson, R., Assessment of future Syrian water resources supply and demand by WEAP model, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Under review._x000D_
2- Haddad, R., Nouiri, I., Alshihabi, O.,Ma ?mann, J., Huber, M.,_x000D_
Laghouane, A., Yahiaoui, H., and Tarhouni, J., A Decision Support System (DSS) to manage the Groundwater of Zeuss Koutine aquifer using WEAP-MODFLOW framework, Water Resources Management Journal, published online 16 January 2013._x000D_
3- Mawed, Kh., Alshihabi, O., Assessment of Precipitation in Syria, Trend Analysis, during the period (1955-2006), Journal of Arid Areas, ACSAD, Syria, accepted 2012._x000D_
4- Tohmah, E., ALSHIHABI, O., Estimation of ECe from EC1:5 using the ANN and MVRC, Journal of Arid Areas, ACSAD, Syria, accepted 2011._x000D_
5- Habib, H., ALSHIHABI, O., Improvement of soil physical properties at B'lay area in south Syria to limit land degradation, Damascus University Journal,Syria, accepted 2011.
Other activities
- Working with ACSAD as an expert in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Program, improvement of experts capacity in evaluation of project and formation programs in the south, 2013, AIRD
Organisation name
Damascus University
Organisation country
Syrian Arab Republic