Independent experts nominated by country party
Patrick D’Aquino
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Environmental Remote Sensing
Environmental Remote Sensing
UN languages spoken
Geographical Focus
Burkina Faso
Job function
Research Director
Telephone number
33 04 67 59 39 58
Work experience
Dr Patrick d’Aquino is Director of Research in social geography based in Senegal. For more than fifteen years he focused in Sahel on participatory approaches then participatory modelling tools (maps, GIS, multi agent modelling) in order to design novel co building foresights to support local organizations and social dynamics. He is especially interested in supports allowing people to progress in the inter-connection between local and global decision processes for a multi governance of dryland resources and mobility. He designed and managed a University Master in Participative Land Uses Management. Since 2002, he leads international exchanges (workshops, internet site…) on participatory approaches and their links to public policies (cf. multi level governance).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
HDR, Human Geography, “Bottom up planning in dryland areas”, Aix-Marseille University, 2001_x000D_
PhD, Human Geography, “Management strategies of dryland natural resources by extensive livestock farmers”, Aix-Marseille University, 1996
PhD, Human Geography, “Management strategies of dryland natural resources by extensive livestock farmers”, Aix-Marseille University, 1996
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. D'Aquino, P., Le Page, C., Bousquet, F. et Bah, A. 2003. Using self-designed role-playing games and a multi-agent system to empower a local decision-making process for land use management: The SelfCormas experiment in Senegal. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 6(3).
2. D'Aquino, P., 2009. La participation comme élément d’une stratégie globale d’intervention : l’approche « gestion autonome progressive ». Cahiers de l'Agriculture, 18. 5, 433-440._x000D_
3. Lynam, T., F. Bousquet, P. D'Aquino, O. Barreteau, C. Le Page, F. Chinembiri and B. Mombeshora, 2002. Adapting science to adaptive managers: spidergrams, belief models, and multi-agent systems modeling. Conservation Ecology, 5, 2: 24._x000D_
4. D'Aquino P., 1998. Quels choix fonciers en zone agropastorale sahélienne ? Rev. Tiers-Monde, 39, 153: 175-188._x000D_
5. D’Aquino P., P. Lhoste, A. Le Masson., 1995, Systèmes de production mixtes agriculture pluvial-élevage en zone humide et subhumide d’Afrique, Min Coopération Cirad, Paris, Montpellier, 103 p
2. D'Aquino, P., 2009. La participation comme élément d’une stratégie globale d’intervention : l’approche « gestion autonome progressive ». Cahiers de l'Agriculture, 18. 5, 433-440._x000D_
3. Lynam, T., F. Bousquet, P. D'Aquino, O. Barreteau, C. Le Page, F. Chinembiri and B. Mombeshora, 2002. Adapting science to adaptive managers: spidergrams, belief models, and multi-agent systems modeling. Conservation Ecology, 5, 2: 24._x000D_
4. D'Aquino P., 1998. Quels choix fonciers en zone agropastorale sahélienne ? Rev. Tiers-Monde, 39, 153: 175-188._x000D_
5. D’Aquino P., P. Lhoste, A. Le Masson., 1995, Systèmes de production mixtes agriculture pluvial-élevage en zone humide et subhumide d’Afrique, Min Coopération Cirad, Paris, Montpellier, 103 p
Other activities
Member of the French Scientific Committee against Desertification_x000D_
2. Member of the French Scientific Steering Committee about on line University curses on Sustainable Development_x000D_
3. Founder Member of the international network Companion Modelling (ComMod):
2. Member of the French Scientific Steering Committee about on line University curses on Sustainable Development_x000D_
3. Founder Member of the international network Companion Modelling (ComMod):
Organisation name
Organisation street address
Campus international de Baillarguet, 34 098 Montpellier Cedex 05, 34 098
Organisation city
Montpellier Cedex 05
Organisation country
Organisation website