Independent experts nominated by country party

Paul Mathieu

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Telephone number
32 01 104742/473935
Work experience
Professional experience:_x000D_
- Evaluation and appraisal of environment and rural development projects in Africa._x000D_
- Special fields of experience and interest include: economics of irrigation; land tenure and local institutions; social and institutional aspects of natural resources management (NRM), participatory approaches to NRM at the community level; social conflicts and natural resources management._x000D_
- Experience of fieldwork, research or consultancy in the following countries: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal._x000D_
- Since October 1990, Research Associate, Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), and Lecturer, Institut d'Etudes du Développement, Université Catholique de Louvain._x000D_
- In 1992-1993, Visiting Professor at the Land Tenure Centre , University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA._x000D_
- November 1983-September 1990: Part-time consultant on rural development in Sahelian Africa and Madagascar, and part-time universit
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
BA in Economics, Catholic University of Louvain (1974)_x000D_
Ph.D in Environmental Sciences (1987), Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, Arlon, Belgique.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Two books (as scientific editor) and more than 30 papers in scientific journals or collective books. Most of these publications discuss issues of local institutions, land tenure policy, irrigation and the management of natural resources in Africa, mostly the Sahel region and Madagascar. _x000D_
1. Ouedraogo, H., D. Thiéba et P. Mathieu, Sept. 1995, "La gestion alternative des conflits pour les forêts et les ressources naturelles". Document introductif pour l'atelier sur la gestion alternative des conflits (Niamey, décembre 1995), préparé pour le réseau "Arbres, forêts et communautés rurales" (FAO) et le Cilss, Ouagadougou, septembre 1995, 32 p. + annexes._x000D_
2. Mathieu, P., P.J. Laurent et J. Cl. Willame (Eds). 1996. Démocratie, enjeux fonciers, pratiques locales en Afrique. Cahiers africains (CEDAF - L'Harmattan), n° 23-24._x000D_
3. Laurent, P.J. et P. Mathieu, 1996. Compétition foncière et invention sociale locale. Un exemple burkinabè. In: A. Bertrand, E. Le Roy et A. Karsenty (Eds),
Organisation name
Institut d'Etudes du Développement
Organisation street address
3, Place Montesquieu, B-1348
Organisation city
Louvain la Neuve
Organisation country