Independent experts nominated by country party

Peijun Shi

Prof., Dr.
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
Job function
Institute of Resources Science
Telephone number
86 010 62207656
Work experience
Since Ph.D. graduation, main research work has focused on regional resource development and disaster reduction as well as environmental change and regional planning. The major field and project experiences include as follows:_x000D_
1) Research on Economic Development System in Jiaxing County._x000D_
2) Atlas of Natural Disasters in China (1992)._x000D_
3) General Planning of Land-use in Inner Mongolia (1993)._x000D_
4) Mechanics of Regional Land-use to Agri. Natural Disaster Forming (1996)._x000D_
5) Editor of Geography Journal.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. Physical Geography, Beijing Normal University, 1988.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Shi Peijun, 1997, Climate Change, National Disasters of Agriculture and Grain Yields in China during the past 15 years, J. Agric. Meteorol. 52(5): 923-934._x000D_
2. Shi Peijun, 1996, Study on Moniroting Snow Disasterr in Large Areas Supported by GIS and RS, Acta Geographica Sinica, 51(4), 296-305._x000D_
3. Shi Peijun, 1995, Natural Disaster, Disaster Reduction Construction and Sustainable Development in China, Journal of Natural Resource, 10(3), 268-278._x000D_
4. Shi Peijun, 1994, A Research on the Production Estimation by Remote Sensing for Large Area Grassland, Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2(1), 9-13._x000D_
5. Shi Peijun, 1993, Theory and Practice of Research for Changes of Geographical Environments, Science Press, Beijing.
Other activities
1. Director of Specialty Committee of Natural Resources Association._x000D_
2. Executive-council Member of China Geography Society._x000D_
3. Editor of Natural Resources Journal._x000D_
4. Editor of Natural Disaster Journal._x000D_
5. Editor of Geography Journal.
1. The Second Prize of National Science & Technology Advance (1996)._x000D_
2. The First Prize of Science & Technology Advance of Agriculture Ministry (1995)._x000D_
3. The First Prize of Science & Technology Advance of CPIC (1992).
Organisation name
Beijing Normal University
Organisation street address
19 Xinjiekouwai Street, 100875
Organisation city
Organisation country