Independent experts nominated by country party

Percy Carlos Jimenez Milon

First name
Percy Carlos
Last name
Jimenez Milon
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Principal Professor /Director
Regional Institute of Environmental Sciences
Telephone number
51 054 28 89 71
Work experience
1. Pollution on Arequipa rivers and its effect on shrimps_x000D_
2. Ecological on Biological aspect to the "lomas costeras" Ecosystem_x000D_
3. Agroecological Framework to Arequipa Region_x000D_
4. Environmental Impact Assessment to the Tintaya - Socabaya Transmission Line_x000D_
5. Modelling "lomas costerqas" recuperation with use of fog water collection_x000D_
6. Fog-Catchers Building (Head of team)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1. Bachelor in Biological Sciences, San Agustin national University of Arequipa-Peru_x000D_
2. Master of Sciences, Los Andes University, Bogota-Colombia_x000D_
3. Biologist, San Agustin National Univerisyt of Arequipa-Peru
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. JIMENEZ P. & J. PEFAUR, Aspectos sistemáticos y ecológicos de Platalina genovensium (Chiroptera, Mammalia), Zoología Neotropical, Anales del VIII Congreso Latioamericano de Zoología; Mérida - Venezuela, 1980._x000D_
2. JIMENEZ, P., W. GALEANO & F. VILLASANTE. Lista preliminar de la flora estacional de los alrededores de Arequipa Zonas Aridas N° 5 pp 19-30, CIZA UNALM, Lima 1988._x000D_
3. VILLASANTE, F., P. JIMENEZ. Análisis de la vegetación estacional de Sabandía y Characato (Arequipa), entre los 2450 y 2800 msnm. Zonas Aridas N° 6, pp. 77-84, CIZA-UNALM. Lima, 1989._x000D_
4. DAVILA, B., E- López & P. Jiménez. Los mamíferos del Dpto. de Arequipa, Perú. Boletín de Lima N° 54, pp 11-13. 1987. Nov. 1987._x000D_
5. TALAVERA, C., P. JIMENEZ & F. FILLASANTE; El recurso forestal en la región Arequipa: diagnóstico y posibilidad. SEPIA V, pp. 571-590. Lima. 1993.
Other activities
1. Dean of the National Biologist Association Assesor of National Science and Technology Council_x000D_
2. Executive Secretary of ONGs "Herbario del Sur"_x000D_
3. President of Regional Agroecological Network_x000D_
4. Member of the Peruvian Association of Ecology
The environmentalist of the year, Municipality of Arequipa-Peru
Organisation name
Universidad Nacional San Agustin de Arequipa
Organisation street address
Casilla 985
Organisation city
Organisation country