Independent experts nominated by country party

Qi Feng

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Water Resources
Environmental Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Water and Soil Department
Telephone number
86 931 4967089
Work experience
In these year I had following project: Experiment and promotion the integrated technique of controlling and protecting blown sand in Minqing-yablai wind mouth in Alex, Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan Period, 2007.6-2010.10; Calculating the index of water, vapor, soil moisture and plant water in GSPAC by model and evaluation of its significance, Special Project of Major State Basic Research Forego Program,2006.1-2007.12; Study the high-effective utilization of water resources and the experiment on ecosystem rehabilitation in inland river basin, Heihe River, Gansu Province. The knowledge innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006.1-2009.12; The basic research for water issues of inland river basin in arid region, CAS International Partnership Project ", 2005.10-2008.10; Experimental study of the coupling process of hydrology-ecology, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2007.1-2009.1; Experimental study of the coupling process of hydrology-ecology, National Natural Science Foundation for excellent young scientist of China, 2008.1-2011.11
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1992.7-1995.9: Studying for and obtained a Doctor's Degree of Sciences on arid water resources and hydrology in Institute of Lanzhou Desert Research, CAS, P. R. China_x000D_
1989.9-1992.6: Studying for and obtained a Master Degree of Sciences on region water resources in Institute of Lanzhou Desert Research, CAS, P. R. China_x000D_
1985.9-1989.8: Studying for and obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Geography Department of Shannxi Normal University at Xi'an, P. R. China
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Feng Qi. Water Resources in the Hexi Corridor and Its Cycle. Sustainability in Food and Water, 2010,18,(5): 299-310. _x000D_
2. Qi Feng, Wei Liu, Haiyang Xi. Relationship between soil physiochemistry and land degradation in the lower Heihe river basin of northwestern China. Front Earth Sci. China, 2009,490-499 _x000D_
3. Qi Feng, Zhuo Macuo, Xi Haiyang. Analysis of an oasis microclimate in China’s hyperarid zone. _x000D_
Environ Geol. 2009,58:963-972. _x000D_
4. Feng Qi, Wei Liu, Zhang Yanmwu Si Janhua, Su Yonghong, Chang Zongqiang and Xi Haiyang. _x000D_
Effect of climatic changes and human activity on soil carbon in desertified regions of China. Tellus, _x000D_
2006, 58B, 117-128. _x000D_
5. Feng Q, W Liu. Environmental conditions leading to the formation of Holocene soil layers in the _x000D_
Northern Taklimakan desert, Tarim basin, Northwest China. Geological Journal, 2005 40: 23-34.
Other activities
1. National Research Council Research Associateship _x000D_
2. Executive member of the council of Chinese Geographical Social, desert division Society _x000D_
3. “Natural Resources Forum”?“Frontiers of Earth Science” ?“Disaster Advances” executive editors _x000D_
4. “Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions”deputy of executive editors _x000D_
5. “Water Science and Engineering” deputy of executive editors
1.2010. 2: grained the New Centaury National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project of China _x000D_
2. 2010.6-2010.10: Grained Endeavour Executive Awards of Australian and worked in International Water Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia. _x000D_
3. 2010.11: Grained the award of Outstanding Scientists in China.
Organisation name
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organisation street address
No 320, West Donggang Road
Organisation city
Lanzhou, Gansu Province
Organisation country