Independent experts nominated by country party

Ram Newaj

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Telephone number
91 517 442364
Work experience
- I have been working as project leader on some of the agroforestry system (agrosilviculture, agrosilvihorticulture, agrohorticulture and alley cropping systems) since 1991 to utilize class III and above lands of rainfed alfisols._x000D_
- In agrosilvihorticultural system, aonla (Emblica officinalis) as fruit tree, Leucaena leucocephaha as MPTS and blackgram as intercop included in the system under rainfed sub-marginal lands. The systems provided 75-120 kg fruit per tree from aonla, 1033 kg fuel wood and 910 kg fodder per hectare from Leucaena andizyphus mauritiana) as fruit tree and intercrops (blakgram, greengram, seasame and pigeonpea) were included and initiated on sub-marginal soil under rainfed conditions. This system provided 1790 kg/ha fruit, 2130 kg/ha fuelwood and 1850 kg/ha fodder from ber and 400 to 422 kg/ha grain yield from different intercrops. This system was proved as most profitable system under rainfed conditions._x000D_
- An experiment was also initiated for efficient utilizati
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- B.Sc. Agriculture, Institute of Agril. Sciences, B.H.U. Varanasi, 1982._x000D_
- M.Sc. Agriculture (Agronomy), Institute of Agril. Sciences, B.H.U. Varanasi, 1984._x000D_
- Ph.D. (Agronomy), N.D.U.A. & T. Kumarganj, Faizbad, 1989.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Ram Newaj, Deb Roy, R. and Bisaria, A.K. (1994). Potential of perennial pigeonpea based alley cropping systems under rainfed conditions. Indian J. Agron. 42(2):231-238._x000D_
2. Ram Newaj and Gill, A.S.(1995). Effect of Leucaena and intercrop on aonla (Emblica officinalis) under rainfed conditions. Van Anushandhan 12(ii):51-55._x000D_
3. Solanki, K.R. and Ram Newaj (1996). Sustainable production of crop and biomass through agroforestry system in semiarid region of India. IUFRO-DNAES International meet on resource inventory techniques to support agroforestry and environment, Chandigarh, India:Book of Abstract:165-172._x000D_
4. Solanki, K.R. and Ram Newaj (1997). Sustainable production through agroforestry system in semiarid India. International conference on sustainable agriculture for food, energy and industry. Federal Agricultural Research (FAL). Braunschweig, Book of Abstract:205._x000D_
5. Solanki, K.R. and Ram Newaj (1997) Aonla production potential in rainfed areas. ICAR, News 3(2):17.
Other activities
1. Range management and agroforestry._x000D_
2. Indian Journal of Agronomy._x000D_
3. Allelopathy, an international journal._x000D_
4. Co-editor of Annual Report of NRC for Agroforestry, Jhansi since 1995.
Organisation name
National Research Centre for Agroforestry
Organisation street address
Gwalior Road, Pahuj Dam, 284003
Organisation city
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh -
Organisation country