Independent experts nominated by country party

Ramesh Kumar Sharma

First name
Ramesh Kumar
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Chief Soil Survey Officer
Soil and Land Use of india
Telephone number
0091 011 25841263
Work experience
Please summarize your project experience (advisory or participant) in no more than ten lines, including field and practical experience, as well as the application of any gender-sensitive approaches. _x000D_
Worked in CCS Haryana Agriculture University, Hissar as Sr. District Extension Specialist (Soil Science) and worked in Soil Health Management and integrated Nutrient Management in different cropping system._x000D_
In Ministry of Agriculture associated in formulating various policies relating to quality control of fertilizers, prices of fertilizers, new product pattern etc. and also formulating strategies of Soil Health Management._x000D_
Administrative & Technical head of soil & Land Use Survey organization which generates digital soil database through different types of soil surveys, which are most useful in various rural development plans, sustainable development and to ensure the food security. Organization has also developed the Digital Watershed Atlas of India with unique code system and for the States of India, to use it for soil & water conservation plans considering subwatershed/micro watershed as a hydrological unit on ground.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D (Agriculture) , Soil Science,CCS Haryana Agriculture University, Hissar, 1995
Publication titles
1. Sharma, R.Dahiya, S., Rathee, A. Singh, D., Nandal, J.K. and Malik, R.K.(2009) Effect of INM on growth, yield, economics and soil fertility in rice –wheat cropping system. Indian J. Fertilisers. 5(3): 31-34._x000D_
2. Sharma, R.,S.S.Dahiya, Jitender Singh Bamel, J. P. Singh, Dharam Singh and H.D.Yadav (2011) Effect of integrated use of organic manure and fertilizer phosphorus on crop yields, phosphorus uptake and recovery in Green Gram (Phaseolusmungo L) - Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) cropping system. Indian J. Fertilisers. 7 (2): 12-16._x000D_
3. Sharma,R., Bamel, J., Singh, J. P., and Rath, B. 2012. Effect of integrated use of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer on grain yield, nutrients uptake and use efficiency in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) in northern india. J Soil & Water Coservation 11(2): 244-49._x000D_
4. Sharma, R., Pardeep, Sharma, S.K., Kumar, Sand Negi, B.S. 2012. Assessment of Underground Water Quality in Mundlana Block of Sonipat District in Haryana. Indian Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 11(4): 307-310._x000D_
5. Ram, R.L., Jha, P., Sharma, P.K., Ahmed, N.,Kumar, R., Sharanappa, VasudeoRao, DAL and Singh, V. 2013. Mapping and assessment of Soils in Nagarjunasagar catchment, LingasugurTaluk of Karnataka. International Journal of Agricultural sciences. 5(1): 347-353.
Other activities
1. Indian Society of Soil Science_x000D_
2. Soil Conservation Society of India
SRI RAM Best Article award (2nd) in Dec. 2004 for writing article on ‘Balanced Fertilizer use in Kharif Crops in KHAD PATRIKA of Fertilizer Association of India, New Delhi._x000D_
ii). BEST PAPER presented Award in National Seminar on ‘Recent advances in Soil Health and Crop Management for Sustainable agriculture’ held at Annamalai University from 26-27 Feb. 2009.
Organisation name
Ministry of Agriculture
Organisation street address
I.A.R.I. Buildings, Pusa, 10012
Organisation city
New Delhi1
Organisation country