Independent experts nominated by country party

Rangnath Navalgund

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Group Director
Remote sensing applications group
Telephone number
91 70 446099/447043
Work experience
1. At TIFR, Bombay (prior to 1977): As part of my graduate studies towards Ph.D., application of magnetic resonance techniques for the study of cooperative phenomena in the solid state was taken up. Structural changes associated with ferroelectric phase transitions were studied (ref 23 to 26)._x000D_
Subsequently, my work has been in the emerging field of remote sensing, details of which are given below:_x000D_
2. In the field of Remote Sensing (1977- ): Spectral Signature Studies, Crop Yield Modelling, Crop Acreage and Production Estimation, District Level Planning : Panchmahals, Major Remote Sensing Application Programmes, Scientific Coordination of Various Projects.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.Sc. Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 1970._x000D_
Ph.D. Physics, Bombay University (TIFR), 1977.
Publication titles
1. Remote sensing data acquisiation, platforms and sensor requirements, R.R. Navalgund et. al. JISRS, 24, 1996, pp. 207-242._x000D_
2. Early results from crop studies using IRS-1C data, R.R. Navalgund et al., Current Science, Special Section IRS-1C, 70(7), April 1996, pp. 568-574._x000D_
3. Cadastral applications using IRS-1C data - some case studies. D.P. Rao, R.R. Navalgund and Y.V.N. Krishnamurthy, Current Science, Special Section IRS-1C, 70(7), April 1996, pp. 624-628._x000D_
4. Rainfall run-off estimation using remote sensing data and geographic information system. V.S. Jeyakanthan, R. Ghosh, K.K.S. Bhatia, S.A. Sharma and R.R. Navalgund. Proc. National Conf.: Hydro-96, Kanpur, Dec. 11-13, 1996, pp. 21-28._x000D_
5. Spectro-meteorological modelling of sorghum yield using single date IRS-LISS-I & rainfall distribution data, M.B. Potdar, Sudha R., N. Ravi, R.R. Navalgund & R.C. Dubey. Int. J. Rem. Sen., 1995 vol. 16, pp. 467-485.
Other activities
1. Indian Society of Remote Sensing._x000D_
2. Indian Physics Association._x000D_
3. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, ISPRS-JPRS._x000D_
4. Member, Editorial Board, JISRS
Indian National Remote Sensing Award, 1992.
Organisation name
Space Application Centre
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation country