Independent experts nominated by country party

Richard Albert Escadafal

First name
Richard Albert
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Remote sensing
Environmental Sciences
Thematic Areas
Remote sensing
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Chair of CSFD, Directeur de recherche
Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphère (CESBIO)
Telephone number
33 5 61558523
Work experience
22001- now : Chair of CSFD (Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification), Science and Technology Correspondent of France to the UNCCD and leader of research projects of CESBIO (France) in the Mediterranean region._x000D_
1996-2000 : JRC, Ispra, Italy: coordinator of EU-funded CAMELEO project on satellite monitoring of desertification.(9 partners form DZ, EG, MA, TN)_x000D_
1982-1995 : expert in the National Remote Sensing Center of Tunisia (Tunis): project ' Veille Satellitaire de la Désertification', training of young national scientists_x000D_
1989-1991: visiting scientist at the University of Arizona, collaborative research with Prof. A.Huete on optical properties of arid soils and land surfaces_x000D_
1978-1988: intensive field mapping and research in Southern Tunisia, concluded by PhD
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1989 Doctorat en Sciences de la Terre / télédetection (PhD) Université Paris 6_x000D_
1977 Formation Orstom / DEA de pédologie Orstom et INA PG_x000D_
1976 Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome ENSAIA, Nancy_x000D_
1974 DEA d’Ecologie Végétale ULP , Strasbourg_x000D_
1973, Maîtrise de Biochimie ULP, Strasbourg_x000D_
1977 Formation Orstom / DEA de pédologie Orstom et INA PG_x000D_
1976 Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome ENSAIA, Nancy_x000D_
1974 DEA d’Ecologie Végétale ULP , Strasbourg_x000D_
1973 Maîtrise de Biochimie ULP, Strasbourg
Number of Publications
Publication titles
ESCADAFAL, R. (2012). Observation à long terme des environnements arides par satellites : retour d'expériences et perspectives. Options méditerranéennes B (68): 41-69._x000D_
Thomas RJ; Akhtar-Schuster M; Stringer LC; Marques MJ; ESCADAFAL R; Abraham E; Enne G (2012) Fertile ground? Options for a science-policy platform for land , Environmental Science and Policy, 16, pp.122-135. _x000D_
ESCADAFAL, R., & Chehbouni, A.G. (2008). Monitoring Arid Land Surfaces with Earth Observation techniques: Examples of intense and extensive land uses. In J.Q.a.K.T. Evered (Ed.), Environmental Problems of Central Asia and their Economic Social and Security Impacts (pp. 59-72). Tashkent, Springer_x000D_
Chehbouni, A., ESCADAFAL, R., Duchemin, B., et al. (2008). An Integrated Modelling And Remote Sensing Approach For Hydrological Study In Arid And Semi-arid Regions. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29, 5161-5181(5121)_x000D_
ESCADAFAL, R., and Paracchini, M. (2005). "Geomatics for Land and Water management : achievements and challenges in the Euromed context. Proc.intern.workshop. JRC, 23-25 june 2004," EUR 21647 EN, Ispra, Italy, 255 p.
Other activities
1. Expert-Evaluator for the European Commission (2003-now): research proposals on arid environment of FP5, FP6 and FP7) _x000D_
2. Chair of International Soil Science Society (ISSS), WG 'remote sensing' (2004-2008), organiser of three symposia_x000D_
3.Expert of the ad hoc committee of CNES (French Space Agency) for the SPOT4 satellite (1996/1992) _x000D_
4. Member of the Scientific Committee of IRD for Water and Soil Sciences (1990-1998)
1. Member (2002) and then Chair (2010- ) of the French Scientific Committee on Desertification ( _x000D_
2. Vice- Chair (for WEOG countries) of the Committee for Science and Technology of the UNCCD (2008-2009)_x000D_
3. Co-founder, member of the Steering committee and Treasurer of the Association DesertNet International (2009)
Organisation name
Institut de recherche pour le Développement
Organisation street address
18, avenue Edouard Belin, 31401
Organisation city
Toulouse cedex 9
Organisation country