Independent experts nominated by country party

Ronald Bellefontaine

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Forest and Rangeland Dynamics
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken


Job function
Unit 39 Genetic diversity and improvement of forest species, in charge of dry areas
Telephone number
33 04 67545295
Work experience
Argan-tree is a multipurpose species with great socio-economical interest for women in south-west Morocco, utilized for people and livestock alimentation, as well as in medicine, in cosmetics and to prevent desertification and erosion. The natural stands are in constant reduction. Given this situation, I coordinate and find a private donator in 2006 to take part in a practical project for a 3-yr long duration. The goal is to improve the current quality of the argan-tree stands using as planting stock superior plants issued from selected mother trees and to produce ultimately more homogeneous clonal populations. Out of the 14 plus trees selected by the local populations and with the help of the “Centre Régional de Recherches Forestières de Marrakech”, thousands rooted cuttings have been produced from argan-tree seedlings, while testing different rooting conditions. The vegetative propagation techniques developed are cutting, grafting, and aerial layering.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ingénieur agronome des Eaux et Forêts (section tempérée et, en options, section tropicale), 1965-1970, Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgique).
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Bellefontaine R., 2010. De la domestication à l’amélioration variétale de l’arganier (Argania spinosa L. Skeels) ? Sécheresse 21 (1), 42-53._x000D_
2. Bellefontaine R., Malagnoux M., 2008. Vegetative Propagation at Low Cost: A Method to Restore Degraded Lands (pp. 417-433). In: The Future of Drylands. Tunis, Tunisia, June 2006. Published jointly by C. Lee and T. Schaaf (Ed), UNESCO Publishing, Man and the Biosphere series (Paris) and Springer SBM (Dordrecht), 855 p._x000D_
3. Meunier Q., Bellefontaine R., Boffa J.M. and Bitahwa N., 2006. Low-cost vegetative propagation of trees and shrubs. Technical Handbook for Ugandan rural communities. Ed. Angel Agencies, Kampala. CIRAD, Montpellier, 66 p._x000D_
4. Bellefontaine R., Petit S., Pain-Orcet M., Deleporte Ph., Bertault J.G., 2002. Trees outside forests. Towards better awareness. FAO Conservation Guide n° 35, Rome, 2002, 216 p._x000D_
5. Bellefontaine R., Gaston A., Petrucci Y., 2000. Management of natural forests of dry tropical zones. FAO Conservation Guide n° 32, FAO Rome, 318 pages._x000D_
Other activities
1.Member of the “Comité Scientifique Français contre la Désertification » and « DesertNet International »_x000D_
2. Member of the “Comité de rédaction” of the French Revue “Sécherese”_x000D_
3. IFS Adviser (for phD)_x000D_
4. Reviewer for different Reviews and Journals_x000D_
5. Coordinator of the network “Argan tree”.
Organisation name
Organisation street address
UPR 39 TA A-39/C,, 34398
Organisation city
Montpellier cedex 5
Organisation country