Independent experts nominated by country party

Ronghua Ye

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Information Systems
UN languages spoken


Job function
Senior Engineer
Academy of Forestry Inventory and Planning
Telephone number
86 10 64229944, ext. 3476
Work experience
1. 1997: Optimization of forest inventory design, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich._x000D_
2. 1995-1996: Design of statistical models for the prediction of forest fires, ETH Zurich._x000D_
3. 1991-1995: Forest simulation with digital processing of aerial photographs and GIS, Univ. Freiburg, Germany._x000D_
4. 1994-1995: Consultant, GIS in the land use change analysis in Baden-Wuettemberg, Univ. Freiburg, Germany._x000D_
5. 1987-1991: Teaching and research (projects including forest resource management, database systems, forest fire management), Northeast Forestry Univ., Harbin, China._x000D_
6. 1982-1995: Adult education and research (projects including software development for photogrammetry), School of Surveying and Mapping, Harbin, China.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. Natural resources management, Univ. Freiburg/Germany, 1995._x000D_
Ms.C. Forestry, Northeast Forestry University China, 1987._x000D_
BS, Mapping and Cartography, Wuhan Techn. Univ. of Geodesy, Phootogrammetry and Cartography/China, 1982.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Ye R., 1991, Waldsimulation auf der Basis automatischer Luftbildmessung und unter Kontrolle von GIS, Mitteilungen Abteilung Forstliche Biometrie 95-1, Univ. Freiburg._x000D_
2. Ye R. and Kleinn Ch. 1995, GIS als Hilfsmittel bei der Plannung einer regionalen Waldinventur, in Beisch et al ed: Fernerkundung und Geo-Information Systeme in der Oekologie der Landoberflaeche, Institut for Forsteinrichtung und Ertragskund, Univ. Goettingen._x000D_
3. Mandallz D. and Ye R., 1997, Prediction of forest fires with Poisson models, Canadian Journal of Forest Research 97-11._x000D_
4. Mandallaz D. and Ye R., 1997, Non-parametric estimation of fire possibilities, Schweizer Zeitschrif tuer Forstwesen, 97-10._x000D_
5. Ye R. and Pelz D.R., 1994, PhotoInt - a software for automatic aerial photo interpretation, in: Proc. Monte Verita Conf. on Forest Survey Design, May 2-7, 1997, Ascona, Switzerland.
Other activities
1. Member, IUFRO S4.12 Computer and Mathematics_x000D_
2. Member, Chinese Society of Surveying and Mapping_x000D_
3. Member, Chinese Society of Forestry
1. Thired Prize of Science and Technology Advance, Ministry of Forestry, 1991.
Organisation name
China Institute of Land Survey & Planning
Organisation street address
18 Hepingli Dongjie, 100714
Organisation city
Organisation country