Independent experts nominated by country party

Rosanne Stanway

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Biodiversity and ecosystem sciences
Environmental sciences/ecology
Other Disciplines
1. Ecology 2. Community-Based Conservation
3. Ecosystem-Based Adaptation 4. Sustainable production
Thematic areas of disciplines: Climate change adaptation and sustainable production
Thematic Areas
Sustainable agriculture
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
South Africa
Job function
Director of Sustainable Agriculture
Conservation International
Telephone number
Work experience
Rosanne Stanway has an M.Sc. Botany cum laude from Stellenbosch University, with a
background in climate change adaptation, plant species conservation and citizen science. She has worked at CSA for six years, currently leading the Sustainable Agriculture portfolio within CSA
and is responsible for strategy development, implementation oversight, fundraising, reporting and
partner relationships. Since 2016, Rosanne has designed and delivered multiple training sessions
on the Conservation Stewards Programme model with over 100 stakeholders from Sub-Saharan
Africa, and has co-designed and led implementation of multilateral and government investments into
green business development, sustainable consumption and production, and job creation for sustainable
Geographic area(s) of field of experience (countries/regions): South Africa & Sub-Saharan Africa
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.SC Botany cum Laude, Stellenbosch University, 2010
B.SC Hons Botany, University of Cape Town, 2005
B.SC Botany and Zoology, University of Cape town, 2003
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1 Mills, A.J., Birch, S-J.C, Stanway, R. , Huyser, O. , Chisholm, R.A., Sirami, C. & Spear, D. 2013. Sequestering carbon
and restoring renosterveld through fallowing: a practical conservation approach for the Overberg, Cape Floristic
Region, South Africa. Conservation Letters 6 (4) 255-263.
2. Contribution of C.A.P.E. Business and Biodiversity Initiatives to conservation of critical biodiversity, landscape
connectivity and ecological support areas. Unpublished report for Green Choice Alliance, Conservation South Africa, Kirstenbosch, South Africa.
3 Raimondo, D, Stanway, R & Maze, K. 2015. South Africa’s Strategy for Plant Conservation, Target 6:
Conservation of Production Lands.
Organisation nature
Conservation International
Organisation street address
Heritage House
Suite 301, 20 Dryer Street
Organisation city
Cape Town South
Organisation post code
Organisation country
South Africa