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Independent experts nominated by country party

Sadat Feiznia

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
UN languages spoken


Job function
Associate Professor
Faculty of Natural Resources
Telephone number
98 261 2230446
Work experience
Project: the source studies of aeolian sediments in Yazd - Ardacan Piedmont Forest and Range Research Institute of Iran, 1995._x000D_
Project: Kavir National Park Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Tehran 1996, Geology and Geomorphology._x000D_
Project: Investigation of the development effects of Kermanshahan State, Faculty of Environmental Science University of Tehran Geology and Geomorphology._x000D_
Project: Ecological potential of Tehran province, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Tehran Geology and Sedimentology.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. Degree microfacies analysis sedimentary. Environments sedimentology, University of Illinois, 1985.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Non-Tear igeneous sedimentary rocks, S. Feiznia, 1993, University of Tehran Publixhing Co._x000D_
2. Feiznia et al., 1991, Standard Sand Housing and Building Research Center, Pub. # 135. 50 p._x000D_
3. Freiznia S., 1990, Different types of rockballs and their genesis from the Karaj formation Jour. Sciences Islamic Republic of Iran, V. 1, N°4, p. 294-302._x000D_
4. Feiznia S., 1995. Resistance of rocks to erosion in different climatic conditions of Iran, Natural Resources Bulletin of Iran, N°47, p. 107-131._x000D_
5. Feiznia S., 1990, Characteristics and application of green Alborz tuff, Housing and Building Research Center Pub. N°115, 67 p.
Other activities
1. American Association of Petroleum Geologists._x000D_
2. Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mnineralogists._x000D_
3. International Association of Sedimentologists.
1. Alborz Foundation Monetary award._x000D_
2. Scholarship from University of Tehran to get M.S. & Ph.D. abroad._x000D_
3. Scholarship from Ministry of Culture to get M.S. & Ph.D. abroad.
Organisation name
University of Tehran
Organisation street address
Organisation city