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Independent experts nominated by country party

Saiakbay Kulov

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Animal Science
Agricultural Sciences
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Senior Research officer
Veterinary and Pastures
Telephone number
996 312 42 88 85
Work experience
2002 - Training Course - Mashav-Sinadko International course on Irrigation Management and Drainage with Environmental considertaion, State of Israel._x000D_
2001-2002 - Asian Thematic Programme Network (TPN 3) on rangeland management and sand dune fixation, Teheran, IRI._x000D_
2002 to present time - TPN 3 focal point for UNCCD._x000D_
National coordinator form Kyrgyzstan on Rangeland Management and Sand Dune fixation including Land Degradation._x000D_
2002 to present time - Kyrgyz Research Institute of Livestock, Veterinary and Pastures, Senior Research Officer. Dealing with issues of livestock, veterinary and rangeland management and sand dune fixation._x000D_
2000-2002 - Yakovod Ltd., Director. Development of projects on Yak breeding on high mountain rangelands as alternative way to combating desertification of rangelands._x000D_
1998-2000 - Project "Sheep Breeding", Component "Veterinary", Team leader._x000D_
1992-1998 - Republican Processing Department on Forage, Rangeland and Meliorative Construction. Deputy General Director._x000D_
1991-1992 - Rangeland - Melioration - Construction Department of Chui Oblast, Chief manager._x000D_
1989-1991 - Interrayon Meliorative Construction Department of Chui Oblast. Deputy Chief._x000D_
1978-1989 - Chief Doctor in Chui Rayon._x000D_
1970-1973 - Service in the Military Navy._x000D_
1969-1970 - Worker, Frunze Meatcombinat.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Faculty: Veterinary Kyrgyz Agricultural institute, 1973-1978
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Kulov S., 1999. "Retrospective analysis of epizootic situation of the cattle leucosis in Kyrgyzstan", Science and Technology (Journal), 123 p., Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of KR, Bishkek._x000D_
2. Kulov S., 1999. "To the epizootology of the cattle leucosis in Kyrgyzstan", Science and Technology (Journal), 100 p., Kyrgyz Academy of Agricultural Science, Bishkek._x000D_
3. Kulov S., 2000. " Social-economic researches of rangeland degradation in Kyrgyzstan", 25 p., Kyrgyz Research Irrigation Institute._x000D_
4. Kulov S., 2000. "Rangelands degradation in Kyrgyzstan", 25p., Kyrgyz Research Irrigation Institute._x000D_
5. Kulov S., 2002. "Rangelands of Kyrgyzstan and their perspective of use", Water-Forest Rangeland Organisation, Teheran.
Other activities
1. Focal point of UNCCD in Kyrgyzstan._x000D_
2. Member of the TC Dialogue Foundation "People for Action" Belgium, (NGO), and of the "Mashav" Club Shalom Israel, (NGO).
Organisation name
Kyrgyz Research Institute of Livestock, Veterinary and Pastures
Organisation street address
354 A Lenin Square, Village Lebedinovka
Organisation city
Organisation country