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Independent experts nominated by country party

Saibal Dasgupta

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Remote sensing
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Director General
Telephone number
0091 135 2750693, 2224830
Work experience
Currently working as Dy. Director General (Extn) at ICFRE, Dehradun overseeing the works pertaining to Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Management, Media & Extension. In addition, he is also co-coordinating two internationally funded projects at ICFRE._x000D_
has worked extensively on forestry related issues in the State as well as in Government of India in various capacities and has experience in handling field related problems pertaining to forest and wildlife management, plantation, community forest management, training and extension related works and projects related to Human Resource Development with special emphasis on designing training modules and training need analysis, monitoring and evaluation and use of GPS and GIS in forest management funded by national and international agencies like EU and World Bank._x000D_
As Joint Director in Forest Survey of India, Dehradun headed the Training & Forest Inventory Unit which is concerned with planning, supervising and executing national level inventories of tree resources inside and outside the forest & designing and conducting training courses on application of remote sensing & GIS to various levels of forestry personnel. He was deeply involved in the preparation of India’s three State of Forest Reports._x000D_
Also worked as Chief Conservator of Forest & Chief Executive Officer in Madhya Pradesh Biotechnology Council at Bhopal, where he was entrusted with the job of overseeing the implementation of Biotechnology Policy of the state to promote Biotechnology in the field of research, education and industry.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
MSc. in Botany, Delhi University, 1982-83_x000D_
Msc. in Forestry, Indian Forest College, Dehradun, 1984-86_x000D_
MSc. in Certificate, Diploma, Education in Forestry & Natural Resources, University of Edinburgh, U.K., 1995_x000D_
Certificate / Diploma, Forestry People & Participation, University of Wolverhampton, U.K, 1995_x000D_
Certificate/Diploma, Forest Policy, Yale University, USA 1999-2000
Publication titles
1.Dasgupta.S, Kumar Rajesh, Tripathi Sushila : Paper on “Temporal change detection in two watershed areas of Kumaon region and its impact on livelihood of forest fringe communities” published in the Current Science, Vol. 98, No.10, May, 2010, pages 1349-1353_x000D_
2. Debnath. D, Dasgupta .S: A paper on "Livelihood Generation and Poverty reduction attempts in Joint Forest Management activities in Madhya Pradesh". International Forestry Review, Vol. 8(2), 2006, pages 241-250._x000D_
3.Dasgupta.S, Rawat J.K., Kumar Rajesh: An Abstract on "Assessment of Trees Outside Forests: An Indian Experience" published in The International Forestry Review, VoI.7(5), August, 2005, page 194 as scientific contribution to the XXII IUFRO World Congress held between 8-13 August, 2005 at Brisbane, Australia. _x000D_
4.Dasgupta.S, Rawat J.K., Kumar Rajesh: An Abstract on "Assessment of Status of Sustainability of Forest Resources in India" published in The International Forestry Review, VoI.7(5), August, 2005, page 220 as scientific contribution to the XXII IUFRO World Congress held between 8-13 August, 2005 at Brisbane, Australia.
Other activities
1.Member of the Indian Forest Service_x000D_
2.Member of International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)_x000D_
3. Guest faculty for teaching Biodiversity Conservation, Use of Remote Sensing and GIS in Forestry
1. At present a member of the Board of Management, Forest Research Institute, Deemed University, Dehradun_x000D_
2.Awarded National Scholarship for securing Ist Class first position in Under Graduate exam.
Organisation name
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education,
Organisation street address
Room no. 145_x000D_
P.O. New Forest
Organisation city
Organisation country