Independent experts nominated by country party

Samuel Mutiso

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Associate Professor and Chairman
Department of Geography
Telephone number
254 0154 331 36
Work experience
1. 1995-1996: Team Leader in Socio-Economic Indicators of Land Degradation, for the National Land Degradation Assessment and Mapping Project (Dryland Ecosystems Desertification Control Programme Activity Centre D, Ed-PAC, UNEP;_x000D_
2. 1994-1995: Team Leader in the Management of Weeds in Irrigation and Drainage Channels whose findings were presented in a two day workshop held at the Faculty of Science, College of Biological and Physical Science, Chiromo Campus, University of Nairobi, 13-14 March 1995;_x000D_
3. 1993-1994: Chairman, National Task Force on Desertification and Drought, the Kenya National Environment Action Plan (NEAP) Process;_x000D_
4. 1991-1993: Director, 'Tana River for the Development of Sustainable Catchment Land Use Project' a Leiceter University - University of Nairobi post-graduate Training Project, European Union (EU) funded_x000D_
5. 1992: Team Leader, Physical and Socio-Economic Aspects of Farmer managed Indigenous Irrigation Systems in Elgeyo Marakwet, University of Nairobi, Januar
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.Ed., Hons. Geography, History Education, University of Nairobi, 1977_x000D_
M.A., Agricultural Geography, University of Nairobi, 1983_x000D_
Ph.D., Agricultural Geography, University of Reading, UK, 1988_x000D_
Certificate of Remote Sensing on Environmental Resources, McGill University, Canada, 1980
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. 1995: Adaptive Strategies of the Poor in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands in Sub-Saharan Africa (IISD)_x000D_
2. 1996: Land Use and Sustainable Fuelwood Management in the Upper Tana River Basin _x000D_
3. 1997: Socio-Indicators in Land Degradation Chap. 9 UNEP and GOK_x000D_
4. 1997: Indigenous Knowledge and Famine Forecasting in Machakos District, Kenya, Ed. L. Jan Slikkervees_x000D_
5. 1993: 'Rainfall' in more people less erosion, Tiffen M. Mortimore, Iowa, USA and Gichuki
Other activities
1. Elected Vice-Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology (UNCST), for United Nations Convention to Combat desertification (UNCCD) during the second Conference of the Parties (COP 2) Dakar, Senegal, 30 Sept. - 11 Dec., 1998;_x000D_
2. Member, Institute of British Geographers, Sinei 1985;_x000D_
3. Member, East African Economic Association, Sinei 1983;_x000D_
4. Member, Society of Agricultural Engineers, Kenya;_x000D_
5. Member, Geographical Society of Kenya;_x000D_
6. Member, Kenya Rainwater Harvesting Society;_x000D_
7. Chairman, interministerial Committee on Environment, sub-committee on Desertification and Drought, Ministry of Environment Conservation, 1994 to date.
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), University of Giessen W. Germany and University of Nairobi, 1977;_x000D_
- Canadian International Development Agency, (CIDA) Mcgill University, Canada, 1980;_x000D_
- Association of Commonwealth University (ACU), Reading Uni
Organisation name
University of Nairobi
Organisation city
Organisation country