Independent experts nominated by country party

Sarah Pariente

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Environmental Sciences
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Head of the Laboratory of Geomorphology and Soil, Bar-IIan University
Telephone number
00972 3 5318808
Work experience
My scientific work includes independent studies, studies in collaboration with colleagues and studies conducted with research students. I was a principal investigator (soil scientist) in research projects on “An integrative geo-ecological and socio-economic approach to desertification and sustainable land use under climate change” and on "The spatial patterns of soil moisture", supported by the German-Israeli Research Foundation (GLOWA Jordan River Project), and on "Effects of flocks of sheep and goats on surface cover, soil characteristics and on soil and water conservation in semi-arid rangelands", supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Also, I investigate the effects of human activities on soil and vegetation in different micro-environments in urban open areas. _x000D_
I think that a change in the tempo-spatial patterns of soil properties indicates an environmental change. Therefore all the above studies are focused on the relationships between the temporal dynamics, in various scales, of the spatial distribution of soil properties, and the climatic conditions or land use.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
1985 B.A.: Dept. Geography, Bar-Ilan University. With distinction._x000D_
1991 M.A.: Dept. Geography, Bar-Ilan University. With distinction. _x000D_
1999 Ph.D.: Dept. Geography, Bar-Ilan University. _x000D_
Thesis: “Temporal and spatial variability of pedo-geomorphic processes as a response to changing climatic conditions along a topo-climatic transect between the Judean Mountains to the Dead Sea.” With highest distinction.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Sarah, P. 2001. Soluble salts dynamics in the soil under different climatic regions. Catena 43(4), 307-321._x000D_
2. Li, X., Sarah, P. 2003. Arylsulfatase activity of soil microbial biomass along a Mediterranean – arid transect. Soil biology and Biochemistry 35(7), 925-934. _x000D_
3. Sarah, P. 2005. Soil aggregation response to long- and short-term differences in rainfall amount under arid and Mediterranean climate conditions. Geomorphology 70, 1-11. _x000D_
4. Stavi, I. Ungar, U., Lavee, H. Sarah, P. 2008. Grazing-induced spatial variability of soil bulk density and content of moisture, organic carbon and calcium carbonate in a semi-arid rangeland. Catena 75, 288-296._x000D_
5. Jose Damian Ruiz Sinoga, Sarah Pariente, Asuncion Romero Diaz, Juan Francisco Martinez Murillo. 2012. Variability of relationships between carbon storage and some soil properties in Mediterranean rangelands under different climatic conditions (South Spain). Catena 94, 17-25.
Other activities
1. European Geosciences Union(convener of sessions “on urban soil”)_x000D_
2. International Geographical Union_x000D_
3. European Society for Soil Conservation International Association of Soil Sciences_x000D_
4. International Association of Geomorphologists_x000D_
5. COMLAND (IGU Commission on Land Degradation)
1.Rectors’ award for excellent Ph.D. students, Bar-Ilan University, 1999_x000D_
2.Mif’al Ha’pais” award for outstanding Ph.D. thesis.2000
Organisation name
Bar-Ilan University
Organisation street address
Max and Anna Webb
Organisation city
Organisation country