Independent experts nominated by country party

Siheng Sun

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Information Systems
UN languages spoken


Job function
Deputy Chief Engineer
China National Desertification Monitoring Centre
Telephone number
86 10 64229944/3265
Work experience
Before 1985, my working experiences were about forest sampling survey and continuous inventory, forestry development planning, forest resource consumption and afforestation investigation, etc. In 1986-1991, as the project leader and first scientist researcher on the national scientific and technical key project "Remote Sensing Research on Renewable Natural Resources in desert oasis areas of Xinjiang Autonomous Region". During 1992-1994, I was in charge of the project of Trend research on China's Forest Resources (1993-2010); As a consultant worked for two projects of the World Bank. One was China GEF-B project about nature reserves and biodiversity conservation. Another was China Shulehe Project about agricultural comprehensive development in dry arid area of Gansu Province. From 1994 until now, I am the technical chief of China national desertification survey, monitoring and information management project.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, 1963._x000D_
Intensive English Training, Beijing Second Foreign Language College, 1982.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Sun Siheng, 1991, "Remote Sensing Research on Renewable Resources - Farmland Shelterbelts Region of Desert Oasis in Xinjiang", China Foresry Publishing House; Summary of the book contributed to the ASPRS/ACSM/RT92, Technical paper, Volume 5, page 407, Washington DC 1992._x000D_
2. Xu Guanhua, Sun Siheng etc., 1994, "Remote Sensing Theory and its Technical Application for Renewable Resources in the Three North Shelter Forest Region", China Forestry Publishing House._x000D_
3. Sun Siheng, etc, 1992, "The afforestation in China and its Monitoring by Remote Sensing Data", Global Change Proceedings, ISY (International Space Year), Beijing._x000D_
4. Sun Siheng, 1994, "General Technical Plan for Desertification Monitoring in China"._x000D_
5. Sun Siheng, 1995, "Main Technical Problems of China's Desertification Monitoring", conference proceedings of China Association of Sand Control and Industry.
Other activities
1. 1983-1985: as a visiting scholar working on forest resources inventory, assessment and growth modeling at both southeastern and north central Forest Experiment Stations, Forest Service, USDA._x000D_
2. 1995. As a member of the China national delegation of Combating Desertification visited Israel._x000D_
3. Member of Council in China Association of Sand Control and Industry._x000D_
4. Member of Council in China Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE China Branch)._x000D_
5. Membership in China Forestry Association.
1. National significant achievement award of China National Science and Technique key projects, as a project leader, 1991._x000D_
2. The second prize of science and technique progress awarded by Ministry of Forestry, P.R. China, as a project leader, 1992.
Organisation name
Academy of Science
Organisation street address
N. 18 Hepingli Dongjie_x000D_
Hepingli, 100714
Organisation city
Organisation country