Independent experts nominated by country party

Somkiat Apipattanavis

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Environmental sciences/ecology
Other Disciplines
1. Irrigation and drainage engineering 2. Hydrologic engineering

3. Land and water development 4. Climate change impact
Thematic Areas
Land restoration/reclamation
Climate change
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Senior Professional Civil Engineer
Research and development office , Royal irrigation department
Telephone number
+662 583-6060
Work experience
- Develop a semiparametric weather generator which is a tool for (i) synthesizing weather for multivariate and multisite (ii) analyzing uncertainty in weather data.
- Link weather generator with crop model to study climate change impact on maize yield in pampus region, Argentina (Funded by national science foundation, USA)
- Apply weather generator for predicting weather-related highway construction delays in California and texas, USA (Funded by federal highway administration, USA)
- Apply non-parametric local polynomial estimator for analyzing flood frequency with mixed flood population
- Link weather generator with DSSAT model to study climate change impact on rice production in Thailand (Funded by Thailand research fund)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Civil Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, 2007
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Somkiat Apipattanavis, G.J. McCabe, B.Rajagopalan, S. Gangopadhyay (2009), Joint Spationtemporal variability of global sea surface temperatures and global palmer drought severity index values, Journal of climate, Vol 22, Pages: 166-6267

2. Somkiat Apipattanavis, F.Bert, G.Podesta, B.Rajagopalan (2010), Linking weather generators and crop models for assessment of climate forecast outcomes, Agricultural and forest meteorology volume 150, Issue 2, Pages 166-174

3. Somkiat Apipattanavis, G.Podesta, B.Rajagopalan, R.W.Katz (2007), A semiparametric multivariate and multisite weather generator, Water resources reaearch, Volume 43, W 11401
4. Somkiat Apipattanavis,B.Rajagopalan, U.Lall (2010), Local polynomial-based flood frequency estimator for mixed population, (journal of hydrology engineering, Volume 15, Pages 680-691)
5. Somkiat Apipattanavis, K.Sabol, K.Molenaar, B.Rajagopalan, Y.XI, B.Blackard, S.Patil (2010) Integrated framework for quantifying and predicting weather-related highway construction delays, Journal of construction engineering and management, Volume 136, Issue 11, Pages 1160-1168
Other activities
1. Professional engineer, Council of engineers, Thailand
2. Reviewer, Various journals eg. Wrr, J. of hydrologic engineering, J. of climate, Etc
3. Reviewer, Thailand research fund
1. Best paper award, 18th national convention on civil engineering, 2013
2. Government scholarship of Thailand for PH.D.
3. Netherlands fellowship award for M.Sc.
Organisation nature
Research and development
Organisation street address
200 tivanon road , Pak Kret
Organisation city
Organisation country