Independent experts nominated by country party
Suntaree Yingjajaval
First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Other Disciplines
1. Transport process in soil-plant-atmosphere catena 2. Interactions of plant and environment
3. Biomass and total nutrient contents in plant
3. Biomass and total nutrient contents in plant
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken
Geographical Focus
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Job function
Telephone number
Work experience
I run the Plant Biophysics Laboratory under the support of the Center for Agricultural Biotechnology. My research group collects data on the physics of the environment, the leaf gas exchange and water potential of mostly Thai perennial plants, which include oil palm, citrus,mango,eucalyptus, mangosteen,salak, paper mulberry, papaya, hot pepper, orchid and sugar cane. We study the mass transport process inside the plants under the concept of soil-atmosphere continuum, trying to understand the underlying processes that limit the growth.
We are interested in solving the bottle-neck problems that limit plant productivity, and to increase the efficiency use of plant production factors, particularly the use of water and fertilizers. We are consulted in the subject of plant-environment interaction and have been providing scientific services for private agricultural sector for over 25 years.
We are interested in solving the bottle-neck problems that limit plant productivity, and to increase the efficiency use of plant production factors, particularly the use of water and fertilizers. We are consulted in the subject of plant-environment interaction and have been providing scientific services for private agricultural sector for over 25 years.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
-B.Sc. (Agriculture) from Kasetsart University in 1973
-M.S.(Soil Physics) from Oregon State University in 1976
-Ph.D.(Soil physics) from Oregon State University in 1976
-M.S.(Soil Physics) from Oregon State University in 1976
-Ph.D.(Soil physics) from Oregon State University in 1976
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Lindstrom, F.T., L. Boersma and S. Yingjajaval. 1990 CTSPAC: mathematical Model for Coupled Transport of water, Solutes, and Heat in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum. Vol.
1. Mathematical Theory and Transport Concepts. Station Bulletin 676. Agricultural Experiment Station. Oregon State University,Corvallis.98 PP.
2. Yingjajaval, S. and K. Sangkhasila. 1991. Land suitability assessment for Thailand. A case study. Report of FAO Regional workshop on AEZ Methodology and Applications. FAO, RAPA, Bangkok. 17-23 November 1991.51 pp.
3. Yingjajaval, S.2013 Transpiration: Venue for nutrients delivery. Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops. Acta Horticulturae 984:25-35.
4. Paiboon,P.,P. Chuennakorn and S. Yingjajaval. 2013. Leaf gas exchange of oil palm
(Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) grown in ditch and raised bed plots. Proceedings of the VIIth international Symposium on mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops. Acta Horticulturae 984: 179-186
5. Utkhao, W. and S.yingjajaval. 2015 Changes in leaf gas exchange and biomass fo Eucalyptus camaldulensis in response to increasing drought stess induced by polyethylene glycol. Trees DOI 10.1007/s00468-015-1240-1.
1. Mathematical Theory and Transport Concepts. Station Bulletin 676. Agricultural Experiment Station. Oregon State University,Corvallis.98 PP.
2. Yingjajaval, S. and K. Sangkhasila. 1991. Land suitability assessment for Thailand. A case study. Report of FAO Regional workshop on AEZ Methodology and Applications. FAO, RAPA, Bangkok. 17-23 November 1991.51 pp.
3. Yingjajaval, S.2013 Transpiration: Venue for nutrients delivery. Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops. Acta Horticulturae 984:25-35.
4. Paiboon,P.,P. Chuennakorn and S. Yingjajaval. 2013. Leaf gas exchange of oil palm
(Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) grown in ditch and raised bed plots. Proceedings of the VIIth international Symposium on mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops. Acta Horticulturae 984: 179-186
5. Utkhao, W. and S.yingjajaval. 2015 Changes in leaf gas exchange and biomass fo Eucalyptus camaldulensis in response to increasing drought stess induced by polyethylene glycol. Trees DOI 10.1007/s00468-015-1240-1.
Organisation nature
Agricultural Unviversity
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