Independent experts nominated by country party

Suraj Kumar Sharma

First name
Suraj Kumar
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
UN languages spoken


Job function
Regional Director
Central Ground Water Board
Telephone number
91 11 3383851/3383561
Work experience
- 32 years field & practical experience in Hydrogeology and Ground Water Projects including 12 years as supervising capacity._x000D_
- Remote Sensing & GIS Applications to Hydrogeology, Ground Water Targetting for siting of production tubewells and exploratory wells in arid and semi-arid regions._x000D_
- Imparting of training to hydrogeologists and engineers in Remote Sensing, GIS and Photogeology using ILWIS (Integrated Land & Water Information System Package) & Satellite imagery as well as in the Ground Water & Water Well drilling techniques._x000D_
- Supervision and coordination of Hydrogeological & Geophysical based water supply investigations in Delhi._x000D_
- Computer storage and retrieval of ground water level data using water level database/UNDP Ground Water Software._x000D_
- Implementation of project for upgradation of analytical labs for Water Quality testing with modern equipments._x000D_
- Aquifer pump tests, selection of sites for locating boreholes and production tubewells._x000D_
- Supervising the work of sci
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.Sc. Geology, Geography, Mathematics, English, Jammu University, India, 1960-1961._x000D_
M.Sc. Geology, Jammu University, India, 1962-1963._x000D_
Ph.D. Geology - Remote sensing and GIS in Ground Water Exploration, Rajasthan University, 1996.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Application of Remote Sensing & GIS in Water Resources Management, published in International Journal of Remote Sensing 1993, Vol. 14, N°17, 3209-3220._x000D_
2. Remote Sensing Application in Ground Water Exploration - Case Studies for Peninsular India; International Workshop on Rural Hydrogeology and Hydraulics in Fissured Basement Zones", 1984, Roorkee University, India._x000D_
3. Hydromorphology of Asan River Basin (based on aerial photo-interpretation). Proc. 2nd World Congress on Water Resources, 1975, New Delhi._x000D_
4. Author of Hydrogeological Map of India, 1976, presented at Sydney Session of Sub Commission of World Map Commission in Australia (1976) and Revised Edition, 1989._x000D_
5. Remote Sensing in Ground Water Surveys & Exploration in India, UNESCO Training Workshop on "Ground Water in Hard Rocks", Coimbatore, India (1979).
Other activities
1. Advanced Diploma in Remote Sensing and Geomorphology with special emphasis on Hydrogeology at ITC, Netherlands (9 months)._x000D_
2. Honours diploma in Photogeology at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, India (1 year)._x000D_
3. Advanced Diploma in Hydromorphology, at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, India (1 year)._x000D_
4. US-geological Survey Atlanta (Georgia) in computer databases - Certificate (2 months)._x000D_
5. Member of International Association of Hydrogeologists._x000D_
6. Member of Central Ground Water Authority, India, for regulation, development and management of ground water resources of the country.
Honourary member of various national committes on water, drought and remote sensing.
Organisation name
Ministry of Water Resources
Organisation street address
Jamnagar House, Mansingh road, 110 011
Organisation city
New Delhi
Organisation country