Independent experts nominated by country party

Tatyana Bragina

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Doctor of Biological Science
Telephone number
7 314 54 91 838/141/701
Work experience
* Participant of field science investigations in Rostov Region (steppe zone, Cauca Sus) of Russia, 1971-1976._x000D_
* Advisory and participant of science investigations region andsome expeditions in Vral and Sibirian Regions of Russia ( Forest Ecosystems, Mountains Ecosystems, Steppe Ecosystems, Meadows Ecosystems, 1976 to present.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- Biology, Biology and Soil Department, Rostov University, 1976_x000D_
- Doctor of Biological Sciences, Ecology, Institute of Ecology and Plants and Animals, 1987
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Bragina, T.U. 1987. Soil Inverebrate Fauna in the Pine forests of Naurzum Nature Reserve. Ecology and Geography of Invertebrates of Siberia. Novosibirski: Science, Sibirian Publishing Department, p.p. 29-30._x000D_
2. Bragina, T.U. 1987. Strucutre, Distribution and Dynamics of Soil Mesofauna in Dry Steppe. Kazakstan. 1987. Annotation of doctoral dissertation: Sverdlovsk, 22 pp._x000D_
3. Bragina T.U. 1986. Recommendation of Methods to Eliminate Root-eating Insect Pests in Cultured Forest on the Sand Soils of the Dry Steppe Zone. Alma-Ata: Kitap publishing. 26 pp._x000D_
4. Bragina, T.U. 1995. Climate for Conservation Uncertain in Kazakstan. J. Surviving Together. Vol 13 Isue 3 Autumn 1995, pp. 58-59._x000D_
5. Bragina T.U. and Bragin E.A. Reserves of Kazakstan. Problems and Ways to Exit from Crisis. Bulletin of Nature Conservation, No. 8 February 1996. pp. 4-5.
Other activities
* National Coordinator in Kazakstan for World Wildlife Fund (WWF- International) project to conserve biodiversity._x000D_
* Member of National Troop to prepare National Strategy to conserve biodiversity._x000D_
* Member of National Coordinating Committee to GEF/Small GrantProgram for Kazakstan, UN Programme._x000D_
* Member of the group to prepare National Report of National Active Programme._x000D_
* Lecturer at the Institute for Continuing Education for ecology course._x000D_
* Director of NGO Naurzum - RION Central Asia focal point for Kazakstan
* Award from the Government of Kazakstan (Certificate) for Wildlife Investigations and Conservation (1984)._x000D_
* Stipend from SOROS Foundation based on Scientific Competition regarding biodiversity (1993-1994)
Organisation name
Naurzum National Nature Reserve
Organisation street address
Altinsarina Str/45-1_x000D_
Naurzumsky region_x000D_
Kystanayskaya oblast, 459730
Organisation city
Village Dokuchaevka
Organisation country