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Independent experts nominated by country party

Tatyana Khamzina

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Atmospheric Sciences
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Chief specialist
Soil Reclamation and Irrigation Department, Design and Research UZGIP Institute
Telephone number
+998 97 1207591
Work experience
Since 2002 carry out (i) aassessments of the current water management constraints, causes and impacts of salinity on crop yields, and identification of the ecological risk, (ii) review and assessment of land degradation trends, causes and institutional, legal and technical constraints and other related issues, (iii) organization and day-to-day implementation of the demonstration options and monitoring and evaluation programs on the pilot sites for rehabilitation of salt affected and gypsiferous soils , (iv) soil investigation, calculation of crop water requirements and water demand for irrigation, and drainage modules, estimation of the water and salt balances at the irrigation schemes and district levels, etc.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Hydro Meteorological Institute, Odessa, Ukraine (1971-1976). Agro meteorological
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. UNDP Publication in support of the MDG. 2007. Water Critical Resource for Uzbekistan?s Future..Tashkent. 127p_x000D_
2. Khasankhanova G, Khamzina T, et al. Improvement of Ferghana Valley Water Resource Management by Example of the Isfairamsai-Shakhimardan Irrigation System. IWMI, 2005,.Tashkent. _x000D_
3. G. Khasankhanova, T. Khamzina et al (2009). Using LADA methodology for development national SLM-Information System of Uzbekistan in assessment and mitigation of land degradation and climate change impact. UNCCD First Scientific Conference «Understanding desertification and land degradation trends»..Poster Session at the UNCCD COP-9, October 2009, Argentina._x000D_
4. Khasankhanova G, Khamzina T, Soil Fertility Management Report. ADB Land Improvement Project (LIP) Preparation Technical Assistance (PPTA), Tashkent, 2005_x000D_
5. Khamzina T. Environmental Impact Assessment Report. Tacis JEP-04. Main South Karakalpakstan Collector, Phase I, Tashkent, 2001.
Other activities
1. Preparation of the data base and assessment of the land degradation status in Uzbekistan based on evaluation of collected information on natural resources and social-economic data, and analysis of the physical, chemical and biological factors of land degradation.
Organisation name
Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
Organisation street address
44, Navoiy str.
Organisation city
Organisation country