Independent experts nominated by country party

Unusa Haman

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Environmental economics
Thematic Areas
Environmental degradation
UN languages spoken

Simple English

Geographical Focus
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Republic of the
Job function
Unit for Studies and Prospection
Telephone number
+237 699490110
+237 679388747
Work experience
- Unit Head for Studies and Prospective (CEP), since August 2017
- Sub-Director for Environmental Planning (SDPE), in MINEPDED, Jan 2013 0 Aug 2017
- National focal Point for the Adaptation Fund (AF)
- National Focal Point for the Forest Investment Programme (FIP)
- National Focal Point for the Central African Forest Initiative (CAF)
- National Focal Point of the Group on Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS), Cameroon
- Technical staff for the elaboration of the Second National Communication for Cameroon
- MINEPDED Focal Point on Natural Disaster Monitoring and Management pour la Direction de la Protection Civile (DPC), MINATD)
- Member of the Science and Technology Committee (STC - GEOSS) and the Capacity Building Committee CBC
Designated head of the Social, Environmental and Strategic Assessment (SESA) unit of the REDD+ Technical Secretariat
- Designated member of the REDD+ coordination unit of MINEPDED
- Designated Land Use-Land Cover change Technical Expert for the elaboration of Cameroon's Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) under the FCPF-REDD initiative of the World Bank.
- Visiting Lecturer, CRESA, University of Dschang
- GCE Examiner, Geography, 1996 - 2004
- Visiting Lecturer, ENS Bambili (Yaound; University 1), 2005-2006
- Staff in charge of Research, Ecological Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED) 2006-2013
- Secondary School Geography Teacher in Government Bilingual High School Bafoussam, 1994-2006
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Environmental and Development Studies, University of Leiden, 2007-2012
Master of Philosophy (DEA) in in Geography, Environment and Development, University of Deschang, 2003-2005
Master in Geograp hy, Environment and Development, Univer of Deschang, 2001 - 1994
BA/ EIPES I in Geography Ecole Normale Superior (ENS) Annexe de Bambili
Number of Publications
Publication titles
- The Ecology of Nomadic Habitats in Far North Cameroon, in Academic Research International, Vol. (6 (1), January 2015
- Comparison of Savanna Forest Carbon and Agro-Forestry Carbon in Savanna Cocoa Plantations, Centre Region, Cameroon in Academic Research International, Vol 6 (2) January 2015
- Dynamique du Climat et impact sur la production du mais dans la partie littoral du Cameroun: Un application dans le Department du Wouri de 1961 et 2008:; Open Science Repository - Geography, 2004
- Climate Change financing through carbon Funds and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); Lessons from Cameroon. Clarison University of Pennsylvania, Vol. 15, 2013
- A comparative study of the influence of climatic elements on cocoa production in two agro-systems of bimodal rainfall: Case of Ngomedzap forest zone and the contact area of forest savanna of Bokito, JCAS, 2013
- Does the Raptor decline reflect an ecological collapse of the West African Savanna Woodlands? In: Savanna Landscapes for the Future Environmental Research Paper, 2010
- Changes in pastoral production techniques, in: Savanna Landscapes for the Future, Environment Research Paper, 2010
- Land use Patterns and Conflicts between the Mbororo Pastoralists and the Indigenous crop cultivators: The case study of Mezam Division, North West Cameroon (Maitise/Masters)
The new Agricultural Activity of a Traditional Pastoralist People: A case study of the Mbororo of Mezam Division, North West Cameroon ( Master of Philosophy).
- Evaluation of the Economic cost of land use conflicts between the Mbororo pastoralists and the Indigenous crop cultivators of Mezam Division, North West Cameron. Published in National Geographic Review, Yaounde University 1, 2006 edition
- Mapping of the dilemma of mining against forest and conservation in the Lom and Djerem Division, Cameroon. In proceedings of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), 2017
Other activities
- Secretary General of MBOSCUDA, the Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association, Previously President of the Education Committee
- Member of the Science and Technology Committee (STC - GEOSS) and the Capacity Building committee CBC
- Member of the Geography Teachers Association
Organisation name
Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Protection de la Nature
Organisation nature
Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development
Organisation street address
P.O Box 320
Organisation city
Organisation country