Independent experts nominated by country party

U.S. De

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Atmospheric Sciences
UN languages spoken



Job function
Additional Director General
Meteorology (Research)
Telephone number
91 212 325877 (325928 Res)
Work experience
I have more than 25 years of experience in the Indian Meteorological Services dealing with research and technical matters. I have published more than 40 papers in the field of meteorology and atmospheric sciences, which have been published in national and international journals. I attented CBS meetings in 1992 and 1994. I also attented the WMO Congress meeting in 1995 and EC meetings in 1996 and 1997. I am well versed with the international meteorological programmes including the World Climate Programme (WCP) and World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). I am also in charge of overall coordination of the education and training functions in the country, I had worked as head of the training activities in IMD. My duties included coordination with national/international bodies in matters relating to training. I had also assisted the development of HRD in universities and research institutions through my association in their advisory bodies._x000D_
Presently, working as the head of the offi
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University, 1973._x000D_
M.Sc. Geophysics, Banaras Hindu Universtiy, 1962._x000D_
B.Sc. Physics, Maths, Geology, Banaras Hindu University, 1960._x000D_
ISC Eng. Hindi, Phy., Chem., Maths, Banaras Hindu University, 1958.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. "Dynamics of Orographic rainfall", IJMG, Vol. 29, N°1 & 2, pp. 335-348._x000D_
2. "The influence of Southern Hemispheric Equatorial Trough on Rainfall During Southwest Monsoon", Theoretical and applied Climatology, 1995, Vol. 52, N°3-4, pp. 177-1881._x000D_
3. "Low frequency oscillation in tropospheric winds during contrasting summer monsoon over India", Mausam Vol. 45, N°3, pp. 261-266._x000D_
4. "Optimizing water resources management through stochastic prediction for smaller areas", WMO Conference on Economic Benefits of Meteorological and Hydrological Services, 19-23 Sept. 1994, Geneva._x000D_
5. "Operational services for agricultural users in India", Technical Conference on Public Weather Service - Tenth meeting of the Commission on Basic Systems (WMO) Geneva, 2-13 Nov., 1992.
Other activities
1. Nominated Member of WMO Technical Commission on Basic System (CBS)._x000D_
2. WMO Rapporteur of the RA-II Working Group on Climate Impact Assessment._x000D_
3. Nominated by Government of India on the Commission of Climate (CCL)._x000D_
4. WMO/UNDP Consultant on Long and Medium Range Forecasting in Bangladesh during 1984._x000D_
5. Nominated by Govt. of India as a National Expert on WMO/GOS activities under the WWW Programme for the country.
1. Vice President of Indian Meteorological Society._x000D_
2. Member of Governing Council - IITM._x000D_
3. Paper setter and examiner/guide for 4 Indian Universities in M. Tech. Courses & at Post Graduate level.
Organisation name
Office of the Additional Director General of Meteorology
Organisation street address
Ganeshkhind Road, PUNE-411
Organisation city
Organisation country