Independent experts nominated by country party
Venanzio Kiragu Njuki
First name
Venanzio Kiragu
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
and Sociology
and Sociology
UN languages spoken
Job function
CCD Desk Officer
Telephone number
254 2 229161
Work experience
- Focal Person, National Coordinating Body for the implementation of the Desertification Convention in Kenya._x000D_
- Coordinator, Workshop to evolve Kenya's country position to the Inter-government Negotiating Committee for the elaboration of the Convention on Desertification and Draught (INCD), at Machakos, Kenya, May 1993._x000D_
- Environmental Surveyor, Rumuruti-Maralal Road Environmental Impact Assessment for Norcansult A.S. Kenya in April 1993._x000D_
- Convenor of Task Force charged with evolving Kenya's statement on the UN Plan of Action to Combat Desertification and its Financing for presentation during the Third Special Session of UNEP's Governing Council held in January 1992._x000D_
- Secretary to the National Scientific Advisory Committee on Monitoring, Assessment and Desertification Control Project since February 1990.
- Coordinator, Workshop to evolve Kenya's country position to the Inter-government Negotiating Committee for the elaboration of the Convention on Desertification and Draught (INCD), at Machakos, Kenya, May 1993._x000D_
- Environmental Surveyor, Rumuruti-Maralal Road Environmental Impact Assessment for Norcansult A.S. Kenya in April 1993._x000D_
- Convenor of Task Force charged with evolving Kenya's statement on the UN Plan of Action to Combat Desertification and its Financing for presentation during the Third Special Session of UNEP's Governing Council held in January 1992._x000D_
- Secretary to the National Scientific Advisory Committee on Monitoring, Assessment and Desertification Control Project since February 1990.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
B.A. Hons. (Geography, Sociology and Economics), University of Nairobi, Kenya, 1981._x000D_
M.Sc. (Resource Assessment for Development Planning), University of East Anglia, UK, 1989._x000D_
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 1994.
M.Sc. (Resource Assessment for Development Planning), University of East Anglia, UK, 1989._x000D_
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 1994.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
Presented papers on behalf of the Director , National Environment Secretariat, and prepared many papers and reports, including reports of the Kenya delegation to the First Special Session of the Governing Council of UNEP, held in Nairobi, March 1988, to the 14th Governing Council Session of UNEP, held in Nairobi, June 1987.
Other activities
Gives lectures on resource and environment management and protection respectively to students in various education and training isntitutions._x000D_
Liaison Officer in National Environment Secretariat. Has been the Secretary to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Environment, the National Environment Secretariat's Heads of Divisions meetings, in the Dept. and _x000D_
representing the Dept in environment seminars organized by other agencies._x000D_
Attended many seminars, courses and conferences.
Liaison Officer in National Environment Secretariat. Has been the Secretary to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Environment, the National Environment Secretariat's Heads of Divisions meetings, in the Dept. and _x000D_
representing the Dept in environment seminars organized by other agencies._x000D_
Attended many seminars, courses and conferences.
Organisation name
Ministry of Environmental Conservation
Organisation city
Organisation country