Independent experts nominated by country party

Venkatasamy Venkatasubramanian

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Animal Science
and Sociology
Natural Resource Management
Thematic Areas
UN languages spoken


Job function
Assistant Director General
Division of Agricultural Extension
Telephone number
0091 11 25843279
Work experience
Dr. V. Venkatasubramanian is presently working with Indian Council of Agricultural Research as Assistant Director General (AE). His past experience includes Zonal Project Director of North Eastern Region,Managing Director/CEO of Vijaya Dairy,AndhraPradesh and Scientific positions in ICAR institutes like CTRI,Rajamundry,CARI Port Blair,IVRI,Izatnagar and Tamilndu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. His academic achievements include University topper in M.Sc. and PhD with six research fellowships awarded during the period. His work has been recognised nationally and internationally with more than 25 awards and honours. Young scientists award from NAAS, meritorious invention award of NRDC, NBT awards, Industrial Excellence award, National Award for Corporate leadership and National best Entrepreneurship award 2005 are some of the important awards received by him. In recognition of his meritorious contribution to science and development admitted to fellowships like FIAAVR, FIASC and FUWAI. He is also member of academic bodies like board of management, board of studies, academic council, planning board, research council etc. of SAUs and also member of management and advisory boards. There are 236 publications to his credit which includes 26 books, seven book chapters and 48 research articles. For other activities as Zonal Coordinator/ Zonal Project Director of NE Region, Assistant Director General (AE), ICAR, As a Social Scientist developed the following tests, scales and indices, (see c.v)_x000D_
Thematic areas:Training and Extension, Livestock Managment, Rural Sociology and Gender Studies, biodiversity Conservation
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
BSc, BVSC First Division (3.5/4) 1983 –1988, Vet Science and AH Sciences, Madras Vet. College, Chennai_x000D_
MSc., First Division University Topper Gold Medallist, Dairying in Extension Education , NDRI Deemed University, Karnal, India, 1989 –19 91_x000D_
Ph.D, First Division University Topper in Course work, Dairying in Extension Education, National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, India, 1991 – 1993
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Introduction to Research Methodology, NCBH, Madras (National Book Trust of India (NBT) publication/ students’ subsidy is granted for publication); _x000D_
2. Technology communication and AV Aids in Extension Education. NCBH, Madras. (National Book Trust of India (NBT) publication/ students’ subsidy is granted for publication; _x000D_
3. Dairy Farming in Tropics, MD Publication, New Delhi; _x000D_
4. Dairy Development in India: An appraisal of Challenges and Achievements, 2003, Concept Publishers, New Delhi; _x000D_
5. Concepts, Approaches and Methodologies for Technology Application and Transfer. Zonal Project Directorate, Zone III, 2009 and 2010; _x000D_
6. Farming System Research/ Extension for Agricultural Development in NE Region, Zonal Project Directorate, Zone III, 2010
Other activities
1. Member, Board of management, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi (2012-contd)_x000D_
2. Member, Board of Management ,Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University(TANUVAS), Chennai for three years period 2013-May onwards._x000D_
3. Member, Planning Board, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai (2009-10 to 2012-13)_x000D_
4 Member, Academic Council, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. (2007 to 09)_x000D_
5. Member, Board of studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science,
( 18 awards, See C.V)
Organisation name
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education,
Organisation street address
Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-I, Pusa, 110 012
Organisation city
New Delhi
Organisation country