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Independent experts nominated by country party

Vindhya Prasad Tewari

First name
Vindhya Prasad
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Physical Science
Restoration Ecology
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Instite of Wood Science and Technology (IWST)
Telephone number
0091 80 22190199
Work experience
Conducted growth & yield studies and developed G&Y models for E. camaldulensis, D. sissoo, T. undulata, Prosopis cineraria and Ailanthus excelsa in Arid Rajasthan, A. indica, A. nilotica and E. hybrid in Gujarat and T. grandis in Karnataka State of India____x000D_
Proposed a new way of modelling the relationship between tree heights and diameters using Johnson SBB distribution and developed a Pascal programme for fitting the distribution function to height and diameter data of forestry tree species_x000D_
Conducted lopping studies on A. tortilis, P. cineraria and A. excelsa to observe the effect of lopping on the tree growth and fodder production and suggested appropriate lopping management regime______x000D_
Carried out evaluation study of IGNP area Afforestation programme in Rajasthan__x000D_
Completed 15 research projects as P.I. & CO-PI, 4 are ongoing; supervised 1 Ph.D. thesis; _x000D_
Estimated recreational use value of urban forestry in Chandigarh city using TCM and CVM; _x000D_
Conducted market studies regarding prices of timber, bamboo and fuel wood in Jaipur & Ahmedabad; was associated with the ITTO Forestry Statistics project of ICFRE_____x000D_
Reviewed status of long-term Forest Observational Studies in India_____x000D_
Prepared a report on Seed Production Areas established in Rajasthan & Gujarat; also helped DBT, in preparing Operational Guidelines for Jatropha curcus plantations_
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Allahabad (1984)
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. V.P. Tewari, R. Sukumar, Rajesh Kumar and K.v. Gadow 2013. Forest observational studies in India: Past developments and considerations for the future. Forest Ecology and Management,
2. V.P. Tewari and Bilas Singh 2009. Site index model for Tecomella undulata plantations in a hot arid region of India. Journal of Arid Environments, 73(4-5), 590-593.____x000D_
3. V.P. Tewari and Ranjana Arya 2005. Overgrazing and degradation in arid rangelands and their management with reference to Thart Desert in India: An overview. Arid Land Research and Management, 19(1), 1-12._____x000D_
4. V.P. Tewari and R.L. Srivastava (eds.), 2005. Multipurpose Trees in the Tropics: Management and Improvement Strategies. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur (India), 760 p._x000D_
5. K.P.R. Vittal, R.L. Srivastava, N.L. Joshi, Amal Kar, V.P. Tewari and S. Kathju (eds.), 2007. Dryland Ecosystem: Indian Perspective. Central Arid Zone Research Institute and Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur. 235 p. ___
Other activities
1. Life member, Arid zone research association of India, Jodhpur; Society for sustainable agriculture and resource management, CCS Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar; Indian Academy of Wood Science, Bangalore (India) ; _x000D_
2. Organized IUFRO International conference on “Multipurpose Trees in the Tropics: Assessment, Growth and Management” at AFRI, Jodhpur during 22-25 Nov. 2004; _x000D_
3. Member, Editorial Board, ‘Forest Ecosystems’, a Springer Journal published from China; _x000D_
4. Worked as FAO Fellow at Institute of Forest Management & Yield Sciences, Goettingen University, Germany from March 1995 to Feb. 1996;_x000D_
5. National Subject Matter Coordinator for ‘Forest Biometrics’ in ICFRE, Dehradun
1. Deputy Coordinator IUFRO Div. 4, unit 4.01.03 Instruments and methods in forest mensuration; _x000D_
2. DAAD fellowship twice for short-term study and research visit To Germany (1st Aug.-30th Sept 2002 & 15th Dec. 2005 to 15th Feb. 2006); _x000D_
3. Brandis Prize for the year 1998 by ‘The Indian Forester’ for ‘Most outstanding paper in the field of Silviculture & Forest Management’
Organisation name
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education,
Organisation street address
18th Cross Malleswaram
Organisation city
Organisation country