Independent experts nominated by country party

Virgilija Gregorauskiene

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
Thematic Areas
Soil degradation
UN languages spoken



Geographical Focus
Job function
Chief Specialist
Hydrogeological, Lithuania Geological Survey
Telephone number
370 52139055
Work experience
1)Manager of Lithuanian Geochemical Atlas project (geochemical mapping at scale 1:1mln) up to 1999; _x000D_
2)Leader of national geochemical mapping projects at a various scales up to now; _x000D_
3)National manager of Baltic Agricultural Soil Survey (BSS) project up to 2003;_x000D_
4)National coordinator of Foregs Geochemical Mapping – Geochemical Atlas of Europe up to 2006; _x000D_
5)National coordinator of Geochemistry of European Bottled Water (EGG) project up to 2010; _x000D_
6)National coordinator of GEochemical Mapping of Agricultural Soil (GEMAS) up to 2013; _x000D_
7) Project group member of Barents Ecogeochemistry project up to 2004; _x000D_
8) National manager of Geochemistry of Northern Europe (NEG) project up to 2009; _x000D_
9)National manager of geochemical monitoring on Lithuanian-Polish cross-border area up to 2006; _x000D_
10)Executive manager of national Soil Monitoring Programme up to now; Thematic areas: Soil degradation, Land degradation, Monitoring and assesment; Geographical Focus: Baltic States, Scandinavian countries, Russia and Poland
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D. in Physical Sciences at the Vilnius University, Ph.D. Physical Geography study, 2008–2012; _x000D_
Diploma of geographer–teacher from Vilnius University, 1978–1983
Publication titles
(1) Salminen ,R., Gregorauskiene, V., Tarvainen, T., 2008. The normative mineralogy of 10 soil profiles in Fennoscandia and north-western Russia. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 23, 3651–3665;_x000D_
(2) Gregorauskiene, V., 2008. Overview of the quality criteria for soil in the East European countries. Proceedings of the Conference „The abiotic environment – evaluation of changes and hazards – case studies“, Polish Geological Institute Special Papers, 24, 45–54;_x000D_
(3) Salminen, R., Chekushin, V., Tenhola, M., Bogatyrev, I., Glavatskikh, S.P., Fedotova, E., Gregorauskiene, V., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H., Polischuok, A., Rissanen, K., Selenok, L., Tomilina, O., Zhdanova, L., 2004. Geochemical atlas of the eastern Barents region. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 83 (1-3), 1–530;_x000D_
(4) Salminen, R., Gregorauskiene, V., 2000. Considerations regarding the definition of a geochemical baseline of elements in the surficial materials in areas differing in basic geology. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 15, 647–653; _x000D_
(5) Gregorauskiene, V., Kadunas, V., 1997. Experience and goals of geochemical mapping for environmental protection in Lithuania. Journal of geochemical Exploration., Vol. 60, 67–76;_x000D_
Total number of publications (including five above): 50
Other activities
Member of EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group_x000D_
2. Member of EuroGeoSurveys Superficial Deposits Expert Group_x000D_
3. Expert of Lithuanian Standards Board Technical Committee 57 Fertilizers & Soil Quality_x000D_
4. Expert of Lithuanian Plant Service Advisory Board on Plant Protection Products Authorisation_x000D_
5. Member of Lithuanian Soil Science Society and Lithuanian Geological Society
National Science Award of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Organisation name
Lithuania Geological Survey
Organisation street address
Konarskio str. 35_x000D_
Ministry of Environment, LT03123
Organisation city
Organisation country