Independent experts nominated by country party

Vladia Pinto Vidal Oliveira

First name
Vladia Pinto Vidal
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Soil Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Professor and Researcher
Federal university of the Ceará - Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa and After-Graduation
Telephone number
55 85 3366 9781
Work experience
Since 1985, I have ebeen working with the group of ecological studies of the Federal Unicersity of Ceara (UFC), Brasil. my main Project have also been concentrated in the delimination of geo-environmental units, their use limitation considering severeal important problems of degradation. My work has been conducted with the mapping of the resources of a semiarid country in Ceara State, Brazil based on the interpretation of sensor images, accompanied by field work. During my PhD sutdies in Almeria, Spain, I have collaborated with researches about land degradation processes that affect the landscapes produced by anthropic activity. I have also participated in activities (courses, workshop, seminars) about ecological problems of degradation and desertification in several countries like Argentina, Spain, Russia, Armenia, Uzbekistan and Morocco.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Graduate in Geology, University of Fortaleza, 1983_x000D_
Specialization in Detection and Mapping of Desertification Process, IADIZA (Arg.) 1991_x000D_
M. Sc. in Agronomy (Photopedology), Federal University of Ceara, 1989_x000D_
Ph. D. in Agronomy ( Ecology/Arid Ecosystems), University of Almeria
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Oyonart, C., R- Delgado, V. Pinto-Oliveira and G. Delgado. 1998. Water Retention Capacity in Fine Earth and Gravel Fraction of Semiarid Mediterranean Montane Soils in Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation. Journey of Native and Agricultural Environmental, 12:29-45, Utah, USA._x000D_
2. Soares, A.M.L., F.R.B., Lemos, J.J.S., Martins, M.L.R., Nera, R.D.M. and Oliveira, V.P.V. 1995. Areas Degradadas Susceptiveis aos Processos de Desertificacao no Ceara. Desenvolvimento sustentavel no Nordeste. IPEA 305-327. Brasilia._x000D_
3. Oliveira, V.P.V. 1990. Zoneamento Geo-ambiental do Sertao de Quixeramobim-Ceara. Colecao Mossoroense-Fundacao Guimaraes Duque. Serie C: DXX. 66p Mossoro._x000D_
4. Oliveira, V.P.V., Calvalcanti, F.S., Bezerra, C.L.F., Soares, J.R.P. 1989. Plantas Medicinais: Consideracoes Ecologicas e Uso Popular. Revista Salusvita 8(1):49-58. Bauru (SP)._x000D_
5. Melo, R.C., Silva, E. and Oliveira, V.P.V. 1997. Unidades de Paisagem e indicadores ecodinamicos da Regiao do Macico de
Other activities
- Coordination of the Red ECOZONAR (Ecology of Arid Zone) of ALFA Program by federal University of Ceara._x000D_
- Coordination of the Red HIZAP (Horticultura in Arid Zone)/ALFA by Federal University of Ceara.
Organisation street address
Campus do Pici_x000D_
Center of Sciences, Block 902 - Postal 6042, Fortaleza, CEP CEP 60 455-970
Organisation city
Organisation country