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Independent experts nominated by country party

Wei He

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Associate Professor
Telephone number
86 10 623 38 127
Work experience
- Took part in the Project, 'Integrate Management of Poplar Diseases in North China' supported by National Science and Technology Committee of China and did research on Marssonina leaf spot of Poplar. _x000D_
- Took charge of the project, 'Integrate Management of Poplar Anthracnose' supported by Beijing Highway Bureau. The research included the life cycle of the pathogen, and chemical control of the disease._x000D_
- Took charge of the project, Taxonomic study of Biological Species of Amillaria melles in China' supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. The project 'Mechanism study of occurrence of Chestnut seed Rot' supported by Beijing Forestry University is now underway
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Master of Agriculture, Forest Protection, Beijing Forestry University, 1989
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. He, W., & Wang, Y., 1991: Host Range and Distribution of Three Marssonina Species Pathogenic to Poplars in Part Region of China, Scientia silvae sinicae, Vol. 27, 560-564;_x000D_
2. He, W., et al, 1991: Study of the anthracnose on Populus beijinsis, Forest Pest and Disease, No. 4, 7-9;_x000D_
3. He, W., et al, 1993: The control of anthracnose on Populus beijinsis with Fungicides, Forest Pest and Disease, No. 2, 15-17;_x000D_
4. He. W., Guofu, O., Ruixiang, S., 1996: Biological Species of Armillaria Mella in the Greater Xingan Mountains and the Changbai Mountains in China, Acta Mycologica Sinica, Vol. 15, 9-16;_x000D_
5. Guofu, O., Ruixiang, S., He. W., 1996: Phylogenetic Relationships of Biological Species of Armillaria in China Analysed by RAPD, Acta Mycologica Siica, Vol. 15, 26-33.
Other activities
- Membership of China Society of Plant Pathology_x000D_
- Membership of China Society of Forestry
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation city
Organisation country