Independent experts nominated by country party

Wilawan Wichiennopparat

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Environmental economics
Other Disciplines
Thematic areas: Forest soils, Plant nutrition, Forest economic, Community forest.

Thematic Areas
Land restoration/reclamation
Soil degradation
Sustainable development
Rural development
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Acting Forest Expert on Community Forest Management
Royal Forest Department
Telephone number
+66 2561-4292-3 Ext. 5647
Work experience
-Assigned as soil expert in RFD $ JIRCAS jointed project working on “Development of
Agriculture and Forestry in Northeast Thailand Tropical Monsoon Regions” Techniques for
Nurturing Beneficial Indigenous Tree Species and Combined Management of
-Assigned as forest soil participants working with various international jointed project such as
JIFPRO,ACIAR, AFoCo mainly on study of various soil improvement method for soil
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Wilawan et al., 2015. Soil suitability Map for Teak Plantation in Chaiyaphum and Khon Kaen
Provinces B.E. 2558 (2015). Published by Royal Forest Department –japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences. Printed by Thai Printing Center Co., Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand.(52pp.)

2. Wilawan et al., 2015 Soil Suitability Map for Teak Plantation in Buri Ram and Ubon
Ratchathani Provinces B.E. 2558 (2015). Published by Royal Forest Department-Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences. Printed by Thai Printing Center Co.,Ltd.,

3. Wichiennopparat, W., Wanpinit, M. and Nimpila, S. 2012. A Preliminary Result of Soil
Improvement Trial on Teak in Khon Kaen, Thailand. Iwao Noda (Series Editor) Jircas Working Report No. 74 pp. 23-26.ISSN 1341-710X. Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.

4. Wichiennopparat, W., et al. 2008. Effects of Soil Improvement on Growth of Acacia Plantation
Commercial Plantation Forestry. Presented at FORTROP II International Conference, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Published by Forest Industry Organization (FIO) Suan Kiti Alliance Group, Kasetsart University , Faculty of Forestry (KUFF)

5. Wichiennopparat, W., Above-ground Biomass and Nutrient Accumulation by Eucalyptus camaldulensis Growing Species Plantation at Ratchaburi, Thailand. The 3rd Conference on Forest Soils. Presented at Indonesian – German and Forestry Project, Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman
University, Indonesia
Other activities
1. Present acting Forest technical official, Expert level, on Forest Community management.
2. Appointed National Expert on Biodiversity & Soil on PROJECT PD 2/99 Rev.2 (F)
“Preparatory Studies to Install a Continuous Monitoring System for the Sustainable
Management of Thailand’s Forest Resources”
Organisation street address
Phaholyothin Rd. Chanukah
Organisation city
Organisation post code
Organisation country