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Independent experts nominated by country party

Willie Cliffie Sagona

First name
Willie Cliffie
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Biodiversity and ecosystem sciences
Environmental sciences/ecology
Thematic Areas
Ecosystem services
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
South Africa
Job function
Research Scientist
Departement of Forestry
Telephone number
+265 1 524 866
Work experience
Research officer and Project leader for Agroforestry and Soil and Water conservation Projects; Out-put Leader for Climate Smart Agriculture; Member of the Malawi REDD+ Expert group / Technical Working group since 2016; Research and Monitoring Assistant to AFRICAD Managing Director, since 2014; Member of the Forestry Research Institute of Malawi (FRIM) environmental and natural resource monitoring and evaluation team since 2007; Research team member responsible for Tree Planting for Carbon Sequestration from 2004 – 2009; Research and Monitoring Assistant under CIFOR -Adaptive Collaborative Management project from 2003 – 2005; Team Leader for Social and Environmental Mapping of Pine Plantations in Southern Region of Malawi under Forestry Plantation Initiative Malawi in 2003; Research officer responsible for research, domestication of Indigenous Fruit Trees and gene bank management in the Miombo eco-zone in collaboration with ICRAF since 1997; and Training of Trainers facilitator for Gender Transformative Approaches.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- MSc in Environmental Science, University of Malawi, 2016
- BSc in Geography, University of Malawi, 2010
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Sagona, W.C.J., Chirwa, P.W. and Sajidu, S.M. (2019). The Miracle mix of Moringa: Status of Moringa Research and Development in Malawi. South African Journal of Botany.;
2. Sagona, W.C.J., Chirwa, P., Kanyerere, T. and Jenya, H. (2016). Assessment of Payment for Ecosystem Services in Zomba Mountain Forest Catchment Area, Malawi. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 5 (2016) 286-292 doi:10.17265/2162-5263/2016.06.003;
3. Sagona, W.C.J., Kachala, O., Matete, S. and Jenya, H. (2016). Physiochemical Properties of Soil in Selected Sites of the Lake Chilwa Basin after 5 years of Conservation Agriculture Practice. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research 4(4):155-164, 2016 DOI:10.13189/ujar.2016.040407 ( ;
4. Sagona, W. and Mahonya, S. (2018). Enhancing household resilience through innovative agricultural practices. In: Chiotha, S., Jamu, D., Nagoli, J., Likongwe, P. and Chanyenga, T. (eds). Social – Ecological Resilience to Climate Change in a Fragile Ecosystem. Routeledge – Taylor and Francis Group. London & New York;
5. Ngongondo, C., Jamu, D., Sagona, W., Likongwe, P., Chiotha, S., Chapotera, M. and Mwale, C. (2018). Monitoring extreme weather events and ecosystems to enhance responsive capacity to climate change impacts. In: Chiotha, S., Jamu, D., Nagoli, J., Likongwe, P. and Chanyenga, T. (eds). Social – Ecological Resilience to Climate Change in a Fragile Ecosystem. Routeledge – Taylor and Francis Group. London & New York.
Other activities
1.Member of the Science and Technology Committee (STC) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD);
2. Member of Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Uses (AFOLU) in Malawi responsible for generating sector reports to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC);
3.Biosafety Inspector for Malawi;
4. Member of the Malawi Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance (MCSAA) and National Conservation Agriculture Task Force;
5. Member of the National Committee on Agriculture and Natural Sciences.
Attained the Bronze Standard Award of the President’s Award Scheme in Malawi.
Organisation name
Forestry Research Institute
Organisation nature
Ministry of Natural REsources,Energy and Minining
Organisation street address
Forestry Research Institute of Malawi Malawi (FRIM)
Kufa Road
P.O. Box 270

Organisation city
Organisation country