Independent experts nominated by country party

Won Sop Shin

First name
Won Sop
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Environmental Management
UN languages spoken


Job function
Dept. of Forestry
Telephone number
82 431 261 2536
Work experience
Dr Shin has been involved in plenty of research projects since 1988 when he was Ph.D. candidate at the Univ. of Toronto. Followings are some of them _x000D_
*Benefit-Based Management Model for Forest Recreation Resources' funded by Korean Min. of Education_x000D_
Mental Health Benefits from Forest Program' funded by Kor. Min. of Education_x000D_
The Influence of Forest Experience on Depression' Funded by Kor. Min. of Sci. & Tech._x000D_
Developing Socio-Psychological Evaluation Model' funded by kor. Min. of Education_x000D_
Visiting research on urban forestry program at Finnish Forest Research Institute_x000D_
Developing Forest Interpretation Program' funded by Kor. Forestry Administration_x000D_
Evaluation of Forest Function funded by Kor. Forestry Administration_x000D_
Planning of Green Kwachon City funded by Kwachon City_x000D_
Citizen Involving forest management program funded by Seoul city_x000D_
Planning of Uam-san Natural Park funded by cheongju city_x000D_
wilderness and self-Actualization funded by Ontario Prov.,
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Ph.D., Forestry, University of Toronto, 1992
Number of Publications
Publication titles
W.S. Shin, 2000, The Influence of Wilderness Experience on Self-Actualization Leisure, Tourism and Environment, LSA Publ. 50:133-142_x000D_
W.S. Shin, in press, Benefit-Based Management Mode. Korean Journal of Forestry Society_x000D_
W.S. Shin and R. Jaakson, 1997, Wilderness Quality and Visitors' Wilderness Attitudes:Management Implication. Environmental Management 21(2) : 225-232_x000D_
W.S. Shin. 1993. Self-Actualization and Wilderness Attitudes: A Replication. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 8(2) : 241-256_x000D_
R. Jaakson and W.S. Shin 1993. Purism and Wilderness Campers. The Journal of Social Psychology (133(4): 489-493
Other activities
Associated Editor, International Journal of Wilderness, U.S.A. (1996-present)_x000D_
Affiliative assistant professor, Wilderness Research Center, Univ. of Idaho (1997)_x000D_
Vice/President, Korean Society for plants, People and Environment (1998-Present)_x000D_
Editorial Member, korean Journal of Forestry Society (1997-Present)_x000D_
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of korean Forest Recreation (1999-Present)
Enlisted in the Marquis "who's Who in the World" years of 98, 99, 2000_x000D_
Enlisted in the IBC's "Outstanding People in 20 Centry"
Organisation name
Chungbuk National University
Organisation street address
Chungbuk National University_x000D_
48 Gaesin-dong, Heungduk-gu_x000D_
Cheongji-city,, 361-763
Organisation city