Independent experts nominated by country party

Woranuch Emmanoch

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Thematic Areas
Climate change
Environmental policy analysis
Policy analysis
Sustainable development
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Foreign Relations
Royal forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Telephone number
+(66) 02 561 4292-3 EXT 5035
Work experience
1989 - 1990 A member of the university's clubs such as the football cheer club, the Buddhist club, and the rural development club. Each club introduce useful activities for all members to get involved in social development and rise up public awareness .
1992 - 1997 Environmental Official (level 3-6) at the Office of Environmental Policy and Planning (OEPP), Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. Main responsibility is to co-operate the process of national environmental policy and plan formulation
1997 - 2006 Environmental Official (senior level) at the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) Main responsibility is to initiate strategy and management plan concerning natural resources and environmental policy of the country. The duties involve the construction of policy and planning in decision making processes.
201 1 - 2013 Director of Technical Support of Inventories and Mitigation Section at the Office of Climate Change Coordination (OCCC), ONEP, MONRE. As being in charge of head section of climate change technical support, my main responsibility is to co-operate the preparation process of the Third National Communication, as well as the Biennial Update Report (BUR), to coordinate with line agencies to conduct national greenhouse gas inventory . In this connection, I have to supervise the in itiative programme of climate change database development and the improvement of OCCC website. Greenhouse gases database will l provide suppo11ive information sources for climate change pol icy and plan in decision making and at the national climate change negotiation processes.
2013 - 2015 A member of the Climate Change Coordination Committee for International Standard Organization (ISO CCCC)
2013 onward A member of the National Advisory Committee for Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
January ¬ September 2014 Environmental Official, Professional Level at Office of Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation, ONEP, MONRE. As moved to this office, I have been assigned to cooperate an initiative project on Data Synergy for the Integration of National Report with respect to the International Conventions for which Thai land has endorsed. In conducting this cooperative project, I have learnt and further developed a concept framework of data base management. The idea is to enhance data set compiled by relevant organizations being in use for the preparation of State of Environmental (SOE) report.
October 2014 Governmental Official of International Convention and Commitment Division, International Forestry Cooperation Office, Royal Forest Department. Working at this Organization, I am responsible for Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Implications for REDD-pl us mechanism.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
2011 Doctorate Degree from King's College London, UK (Ph.D. in Climate Change Policy) Ph.D. Research Title "Climate Policy Pathways for Thailand: Investigating the Emissions Scenarios and Public Perception"

1997 - 1999 Master of Social Sciences (M.Soc.Sc) from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, Major in Resources and Environmental Planning (with Second Class Honours) Research Title "Public Participation in the Process of Environmental Impact Assessment: Case Studies of Dam Construction in Thailand and New Zealand"

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) from Thammasat University, Major in Environmental Science
Organisation street address
61 Phaholyothin Road, Ladyao, Chatuchak
Organisation city
Organisation country