Independent experts nominated by country party

Xuequan Wang

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Associate Professor
Institute of Desertification Studies
Telephone number
86 10 62824087
Work experience
I have participated in many national projects such as National Basic Research from Ministry of Science and technology and science key program from State Forestry Administration. From 2006 to 2011, He has just led the research team finished the National Science and Technology Support Program about the land desertification control research on high and cold area in sandy lands of Qinghai-Tibet plateau. In this study, water and soil characteristics in different develop stage after artificial vegetation restoration have been researched in Shazhuyu desert control site in Qinghai province. The result has showed that artificial vegetation restoration measures have better impact to sandificational soil. People should deduce artificial influence to sandificational land.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources in arid region from Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Wang Xue-quan,LU Qi,YANG Heng-hua,2009,Field Measurements of Sand-barrier Benefits and Ecological Functions in Sandy Lands of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,_23(3):12-18_x000D_
2. Wang Xue-quan,LU Qi,YANG Heng-hua, 2007,Researches on water resources carrying capacity in the Gonghe Basin of Qinghai Provinc,Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 17(6):22-28 _x000D_
3. Wang Xue-quan; LU Qi; Li Bin,2007, RBF neural network models for comprehensive assessment of carrying capacity of water resources, Journal of Water Resources and Water Engineering, 18(3):1-8 _x000D_
4. Wang Xue-Quan; GAO Qian-Zhao; LU Qi,2006,Salt-water Balance and Dry Drainage Desalting in Hetao Irrigating Area,Inner Mongolia, Scientia Geographica Sinica,_ 26(4):29-37 _x000D_
5. Yan Ping,,LI Wen-zan, E You-hao,WANG Xue-quan4,2011,Preliminary Results of
Other activities
1. Member of special committee of Forestry hydrology and catchment control of the Chinese Forestry Society._x000D_
2. Member of Chinese Society of Forestry _x000D_
3. Member of national committee 365 on the desert prevention and control of standardization administration of China
1. The Award of Chinese Academy of Forestry for science and technology progress, 2010
Organisation name
Chinese Academy of Forestry
Organisation street address
P.O.Box 1958, 100091
Organisation city
Organisation country