Independent experts nominated by country party

Yali Wen

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Natural Resource Management
Job function
Associate Professor
College of Forestry Economics and Management
Telephone number
86 10 64 96 73 71
Work experience
I have extensive working experience in Forestry Economics, Forestry Policy fields. As Chief Member I have finished "Hebei Social Forestry Systemical Research", "Economic and Policy Analysis of China Forestry" and "Foreign Forestry Policy Research" projects, etc. From 1995 to now, I participated in the GEF project "China Nature Reserve Management Project" as Community Development consultant, together with foreign consultants in charge of community participating biodiversity conservation (co-management), spent a long time in field, at the same time I also gave the lecture about Social Economic Investigation Method (PRA and RRA), Community Analysis and Extension, and Economic Analysis as this GEF project socioeconomic training expert and trainer (total over 15 courses).
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
A.B. Forstry Economics and Management, Northeast Forestry University, 1984.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Exposition on Forest Resource and its Economic Evaluation, China Forestry Science, Vol. 25, N°4._x000D_
2. Main Point of Forest Policy Research, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 1992, Vol. 14, N°1._x000D_
3. The selection of risk level in tree planning, Journal of Beijing Forestry University._x000D_
4. Social Forestry and Women in China, Journal of Beijing Forestry University (English Edition), Vol. 1._x000D_
5. Forestry Economic and Management (part), 1995, Forestry Press.
Other activities
1. Main Teaching: Forest Resource Economics, Forestry Economics, Foreign Forestry Policy._x000D_
2. Memberships: China Forestry Association, China Forestry Engineering Economics Association, China Forestry Economic Association.
Organisation name
Beijing Forestry University
Organisation city
Organisation country